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blog post | marketing

How To Effectively Target A LARGE List Of Keywords Organically

Chris Mechanic Team Photo
Chris MechanicCEO & Co-Founder

This post is for individuals and companies that want to learn an effective strategy for how to target keywords organically when you have a LOT of them.

Some businesses, like plumbers for instance, don’t have a very big “keyword universe”.

Keyword universe is a term we coined (I think) that means ALL of the keywords that you would LIKE to rank #1 on Google for in a PERFECT world.

Plumbers have a lot — several hundred at least — but there are only so many root phrases that people may search for when looking for a plumber.

It’s either related to (or based on)

  • “plumber”
  • “plumbing”
  • “plumbing service”
  • “plumbing contractor”
  • “emergency plumber”
  • “drain cleaning”
  • “drain cleaner”

…They have a few others, but NOT very many.

Where as other companies like trade schools, for instance (we’ve been doing a lot of SEO/SEM for trade schools recently) —

Have a LOT larger of a list of target keywords

  • “HVAC training”
  • “HVAC school”
  • “HVAC class”
  • “HVAC certification”
  • “HVAC diploma”
  • “HVAC course”
  • “HVAC program”
  • “HVAC college”
  • “HVAC trade school”
  • “HVAC technician training”
  • “HVAC career”
  • “A/C repair”
  • “A/C certification”
  • “A/C training”
  • “A/C school”
  • “A/C course”
  • “A/C tech”
  • “A/C class”
  • “heating training”
  • “heating and cooling certification”
  • “heating school”

And the list goes on — for a VERY long time (HVAC is just ONE of their 8-10 programs).

So how do you target a BIG list of keywords?

The question of how to target a large list of keywords via natural search came up recently w/ a client.

They do E-Commerce; information products for self-improvement and development. Think digital Tony Robbins.

So anyway, here’s my email reply to them in response to their question of basically, what strategy we should pursue.

Hi _________ ,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

And I apologize, this email is a bit long — it discusses some of our findings from the conversation with your team, and the direction I think you guys should take from here.

To summarize, our company can help your company’s sites get more traffic organically & earn more revenue — in both the short and long-terms.

I think that there’s a HUGE world of keyword phrases that are potentially very profitable for [your company] that are not currently a priority.

We were talking about the ______________ and ________________ product lines mostly. One of [your team’s] main concerns was dominating the first page results for the search phrases related to the actual name of the product and the name of the program [which is very popular and definitely gets a lot of searches] — certainly important.

But the nature of your products — and that of most self-development products — is that they can helps people with a WIDE range of problems or desires.

So somebody searching for help overcoming anxiety, for instance, may be just as interested in the ____________ product as someone looking to manifest more abundance in their life. You can sell the same product to both people — which is a beautiful thing.

Or to somebody searching for how to build self-confidence.

Or to somebody looking to get better @ sales or business.

Or to somebody that wants to get good at public speaking.

Or to somebody searching for help overcoming a certain fear or phobia.

Or to somebody looking for the meaning of life.

Or to somebody interested in Deepak Chopra, Dwayne Dyer or Tony Robbins.

Or to somebody that wants to learn ESP.

Or to somebody looking to gain more intuition.

See where I’m going?

My feeling is that there’s a lot more activity and opportunity to target keywords NOT based on what the product or process is actually called —

But RATHER to focus more on the specific ailments that it helps overcome, the desire that it helps manifest, or the general benefits.

And when we think of it like that, it makes your keyword universe (ALL the relevant keyword phrases for your various solutions) GIGANTIC.

And when we take that in context of the tiered website concept you’re using (the T2 & T3 sites that you’re building to provide linkbacks and traffic to the main “money” sites) — it would make sense for the T2s and T3 to be based on niches related to specific ailments.

Like and (just made those up) instead of www.[product-brand-name-variation].org and www.[]

Does that make sense?

That’s how I would be doing it if it were my business. And I believe that will be much more effective over the long-term.

What do you think?


Just FYI, in terms of this client and their strategy to target large groups of keywords

They’re using multiple domains — which can be a good idea if you have a very large list of keywords that are not tightly correlated.

In most cases and for most companies, though, a single domain (or 2) is usually suffice.

So what’s YOUR specific situation?

What SEO project are YOU working on?

What keywords are YOU trying to target?

Do you have a really big list?

Is there a chance that some of your best potential keywords are NOT on your radar or priorities list?

Want some personalized insight from one of the best SEO & internet marketing companies in the land? (Conveniently located right around the corner near Baltimore, DC, Northern VA, Silver Spring & Annapolis)

Click here and give us a holler. We’ll help you out 🙂

OR —

If you have a question that you think SOMEBODY ELSE may be wondering at the same time, feel free to ask it in the comments below.

And if you think one of your friends would like this article, well then help THEM out and share it with them!

Still confused? Our SEO experts are here to help.

Some other stuff you may like (some of our best):

How to do $3,550 of SEO work in two hours

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About the writer
Chris Mechanic Team Photo
Chris Mechanic | CEO & Co-Founder
Chris is co-founder at WMX. He spends his days coming up with big ideas, writing long memos & mastering the 3 Ps – planning, pitching & podcasting.

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