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Local SEO Marketing & Geo-Local SEO

Chris Mechanic Team Photo
Chris MechanicCEO & Co-Founder

It’s an exciting time at WebMechanix as we are getting better and better at conducting geo-local SEO marketing campaigns for our clients.

This post discusses the major activities that we are conducting, and why it is important to localize your business —

Read on to learn more about localizing SEO techniques and see how this could help your business!

What is Local SEO Marketing?

Like natural organic search, local SEO marketing efforts are optimized to rank an additional time next to a geographic map on the search engine.

This is what it usually looks like:

The immediate benefit is clear – your listing could be ranked twice on the same page and the chances of having important leads view you website nearly doubles!

Take the example of the pizza parlor located in the picture above… Pizza Hut currently dominates the # 1 spot in the natural search, and holds the sixth position in the geo local SEO search.

Customers that have the option to freely choose from two different links to order their pizza.

The following are other benefits and tips of localizing your SEO marketing efforts:

Make Sure You Claim Your Own Listing

The number one determinate that SEO marketers claim to be most detrimental to your ranking, is claiming your businesses listing.

Here’s the big picture —

If you do not claim your own listing on search engines, companies such as and (and others) will send out web crawlers to find information about your business.

These company’s use whatever information they find on the Internet and create listings on search engines – in the hopes that people would take a look at their own website.

So you’re thinking, “Great! I don’t have to do any work… my listing is already up on an search engine!”

But more often than you think, these listings are not updated and could give customers wrong information about your business.

For example, this morning I was conducting a simple search on network services in Baltimore, MD, and I found this posting:

As you might have already noticed, the listing in the picture would direct me to a physical Circuit City location. The problem is that there hasn’t been a physical Circuit City location since 2009.

This posting has not been updated for a while and if you look closely, it was created by

Imagine if this was your business.

So this is what we are asking you — go right now and check exactly what is listed about your company on these search engines.

Or if you want us to take a look at how well your business is doing, give us a call at 888-WEB-NUM1, or click here to fill a form to contact us.

Local SEO Marketing Campaigns Require Reviews —
Even The Bad Ones

So you have your listing up on a search engine, what should you do now? Make sure you fill that listing up!

But more importantly, you need to get real and meaningful reviews. Not only does this help your rankings in local SEO, it helps you in the following:

  1. Word of mouth reviews are extremely effective. Customers are twice more likely to believe a review that comes from a peer than one that come directly from the company.
  2. Pushes competitors “below the fold”. Directly under the reviews in the listing page are pay-for-click sponsors of your competitors. It’s easy, the more reviews you have, the further these postings get pushed down.

Take a look at how this Maryland home addition company Starcom Design Build complied information for their review section to effectively push down their competitors.

The Future of Local SEO Marketing and Mobile SEO

Time will only tell what the future holds for localizing SEO marketing efforts, but we are starting to see certain advances in the mobile industry.

Over half of the applications that are built for mobile devices utilize localization attributes that can locate businesses around you.

With the explosion of smartphone devices, having updated listings on as many search engines and business directories could directly increase the presence of your website.

So How Are You Going To Do It?

Is it time for your business to get up to date and go geo-local to effectivley increase your web presence?

When your ready to give your customer’s an easier time to search for you, give us a call at 888-WEB-NUM1 or click here to contact us for a 45 minute needs assessment, on-the-house.

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About the writer
Chris Mechanic Team Photo
Chris Mechanic | CEO & Co-Founder
Chris is co-founder at WMX. He spends his days coming up with big ideas, writing long memos & mastering the 3 Ps – planning, pitching & podcasting.

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