WebMechanix team photo taken pre-pandemic
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WebMechanix Looks Back at 2020

As you know, 2020 was a unique year for WebMechanix and the world. We truly hope that you have come through it okay. The company celebrated 11 years in business while braving the COVID-19 pandemic. Let’s reflect on our journey, what we’re grateful for, and some of our favorite memories this year.

The COVID-19 Pandemic

Because of the pandemic, many businesses and individuals faced economic hardships. The way that people conduct business has changed to accommodate a quarantined and socially distant environment.

The WebMechanix team recognized these struggles and did its best to come together and support the team and community. WebMechanix fortunately didn’t have to lay off any team members. The team helped clients pivot based on economic stressors and new ways of business. This too shall pass.

CMO Roundtables

One of the first things WebMechanix’s cofounder, Chris, did to bring us together was conduct virtual, weekly roundtables with different chief marketing officers (CMOs) across the country. These roundtables allowed fellow marketers to share their feelings, situations, ideas, and strategies so that everyone could uncover ideas and bond with each other. While the actual recordings remain private, WebMechanix launched a blog series that summarized the top insights from each roundtable. If you’re a CMO and interested in joining a future roundtable, reach out to us with our contact form.

Helping Businesses Deal With the Pandemic

WebMechanix has also had to adapt to clients and help them weather the impact of the pandemic. Our team was vigilant and wary of the changing customer priorities and behaviors.

WebMechanix helped these businesses survive and grow by adapting to the transition from in person conferences to virtual, letting businesses pause until they got back on their feet and providing strategic and tactical direction because of changing ad costs and consumer behavior.

Taking Care of Employees and Creating Jobs

Despite the hardships of COVID-19, WebMechanix has hired 18 new employees this year. It has created new jobs, not only in this local area but across this country, thanks to its willingness to hire remote talent.

WebMechanix is proud to contribute to the economy, especially during these difficult times. To foster bonding and morale between employees during the crisis, the company added weekly video calls with the founders and virtual happy hours.

Thanks to its digital-first edge, the WebMechanix workforce converted to a completely remote work environment swiftly after the start of the COVID-19 quarantine. This was the first time that WebMechanix functioned 100 percent virtually as an organization for an extended period of time.

The team came together to share work from home tips, continue bonding through virtual happy hours, conduct a virtual Halloween costume contest, reconnect at a socially distant picnic, and deliver the same high-quality service through the comfort of their homes.

One of our employee's work stations.
One of our employee’s work stations.

Giving Back With Charity

WebMechanix didn’t want to pause its efforts to give back to charitable causes during COVID-19. If anything, people in dire circumstances needed more support during this time. The charity committee had to come up with new ways of giving back that were socially distant.

WebMechanix held a virtual food drive competition that split up team members into groups to see who could donate the most items to the Howard County Food Bank.

Donated Food from WebMechanix

Every team brought their A game. When the charity committee tallied up the food on Giving Tuesday, December 1, the grand total amounted to 2,421 items at 575 pounds, smashing last year’s count of 1,751 items.

Black Lives Matter

An unmissable part of 2020 was the BLM movement. WebMechanix judges a person’s character and actions, not skin color, which makes supporting BLM a no-brainer. The company pledged to match employee contributions toward social justice organizations that helped the Black Lives Matter movement. WebMechanix employees donated $2,156.56, and the company matched that for a total of $4,313.12. WebMechanix itself added another $2,000.00 to bring the total to $6,313.12 donated to various BLM charities/movements.

Other Activities

Other charitable activities that WebMechanix participated in include:

  • Making PB&Js for a local shelter, Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center, Inc. (pre-COVID)
PB&J making
  • A (pre-COVID) Valentine’s Day bake sale for Lewis Museum of Baltimore ($315 raised)
  • Letter writing for local senior living communities
  • Virtual Raffle for gift cards where people donated to buy tickets ($150 raised for local Meals on Wheels)
  • Picnic Raffle for baskets put together by committee members (Movie night, Italian dinner, Game night, Happy hour – $356 raised)
  • Caption Contest (3 photos over the course of a week, captions with most likes pick charities. $75 donated to House of Ruth,, March of Dimes, and Reproductive Rights.)

Total Contributions

So far this year, WebMechanix’s charitable efforts have amounted to:

  • 2691 items donated
  • $7,330.12 donated
  • 44 volunteer hours invested

Fresh Content to Help Marketers Succeed

As the times change, WebMechanix’s blog has also adapted with a new blog series to keep up with what marketers care about, The Breakdown series. This blog series, launched early this year, announces new, important updates in the world of marketing, design, and development, and WebMechanix’s take and recommendations. Email subscribers, clients, and blog readers have warmly received the series.

Additionally, WebMechanix documented and published several new client success stories.

Here are two notable ones:

We’ve also published more than 70 articles this year. Here are a few of our favorites:

Last but not least, after months of work, WebMechanix created a strategy generator to help marketers improve their digital marketing strategy based on their answers.

Awards Won

This year, WebMechanix launched a new awards page to show all the awards won over the years. 2020 was another great year for awards. The WebMechanix team demonstrated its dedication, focus, work ethic, and innovation through various client success stories, which racked up these wins.

2020 Muse Award Winner

WebMechanix obtained the following awards in 2020:

  • Baltimore Sun – Top Workplaces (for the third year in a row)
  • Inc 5000 Fastest Growing Companies (for the sixth year in a row)
  • Four dotCOMM Awards
  • Five AVA Digital Awards
  • Three Vega Awards
  • One Ad World Masters Award
  • One Hermes Award
  • Six Muse Awards

These accolades are a testament to WebMechanix’s teamwork and focus on delivering performance for clients. Luke Gracie, Director of Client Services and long-time employee, says, “I’ve always felt very fortunate to be part of a company, no, family that’s filled with such dedicated, smart, helpful, ego-free talent. Special is the only word that does justice to describe WebMechanix.”

Applying for awards is difficult since the competition is stiff, so applications need a story that jumps off the page. Thankfully, WebMechanix has the best team that continues to delivers success stories, so it makes it easy

Fun Memories and Activities

Despite a new normal, there were a few traditions that we honored albeit virtually. We had some amazing costumes this Halloween and held our annual autumn picnic.

Miss Trunchball
Check out our Halloween costume winner Steph as Miss Trunchbull from Matilda.

And WebMechanix honored International Women’s Day (pre-pandemic) on March 8.

International Women's Day 2020

In December, WebMechanix plans to have a holiday party that includes a charity bingo, secret santa gift exchange, and a Happy Hour on Zoom/Google Meet.

Plans for 2021

On the horizon is a new year, and the agency plans to make 2021 the most successful year ever. WebMechanix plans to grow in size and continue to deliver incredible customer service and results to clients.

Additionally, WebMechanix hopes to welcome new companies into our mix, including middle-market, single-offer businesses; mobile apps; and nonprofit organizations.

WebMechanix is grateful to its family of partners, vendors, clients, team members, and supporters. It wouldn’t be possible without you all. Hopefully, 2021 will be better for everyone!

Our vision is still to become one of the most respected digital marketing agencies in the world. We’ll work patiently and diligently toward that goal by reinvesting in our training, talent, service, and marketing performance.

With lots of love, have a great 2021!

WebMechanix team photo taken pre-pandemic
WebMechanix team photo taken pre-pandemic

About the writer
William Chou
William Chou
William Chou has years of experience in the world of corporate digital marketing. He is proficient in SEO, paid media, email marketing, and copywriting.

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