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The top 3 secrets to driving hypergrowth online

If you’re anything like us, you’re supremely focused every single day on growing your business and taking it from an up-and-coming startup to the brand of choice in your field. But how do you get there? In this ultra-competitive online landscape, you have to know how to stand out and rise above the fray.

In this article, we’ll give away the top 3 secrets to driving hypergrowth online and building your brand.

(Note: These insights came from Adam Goyette, VP of Marketing at Help Scout. Check out episode 21 of our podcast to hear more helpful tips.)

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Secret #1: Be willing to be scrappy

There’s so much MarTech out there that it’s easy to get mired in it. Don’t get bogged down by processes or things like trying to build out an ABM strategy before you’ve even tried one ABM tactic.

Instead of telling yourself that you need a specific tool to get the job done, why not try something like buying 100 copies of a book and sending them out to people yourself? “I think the willingness to be scrappy allows you to move a lot faster in terms of testing quickly to see what works right,” says Goyette.

When you take that scrappy approach, you can double down and build processes around the things that are working.

Secret #2: Stand out in a sea of sameness

Go on a site like Moat and look at the creative and the ads that brands are running. It’s boring and everyone’s doing the same thing. “That’s such an opportunity because if you do something a little bit different, you have such an easy opportunity to stand out,” says Goyette.

And it’s not hard to stand out when everyone else is content with bland creative. If you take a different approach, people will notice. If you’re just doing what everyone else is doing, you’re probably going to have the same uninspiring and basic results as everyone else.

Focus on the quality of the work. Many people aren’t willing to put in the time to make a quality product, and a lot of companies are only concerned with producing content that will get them to rank.  If you’re focused on creating quality content, you’ll separate yourself from the crowd.

Secret #3: Hire amazing people

If you want to rapidly accelerate your growth, you’re going to need more than just one person to make it happen, right? You have to hire incredible team players who will help you get there. If you’re a marketing leader trying to scale up your team, finding people who care more about the end outcome than individual tactics will be critical to building a strong department.

The culture that you create inside of your organization is vital if you want to be able to attract the best talent. The top marketers want to work somewhere they know they’ll be working on fun, creative projects.

Want more growth tips?

Check out all the episodes of our 3-Minute-Marketing podcast to hear from more of the world’s top marketers, and get in touch with us if you’re looking for an agency to help you grow.

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