MTM Ep#14: 7 essential tips for strategic leadership with living legend Paul Field

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Welcome back to another episode of More Than Marketing. I’m your host, Arsham Mirshah. I’m joined by Paul Field, a marketing consultant who has worked for decades in the highest levels of the advertising industry, including in New York. Early in his career, Paul would see people in meetings lead the discussion and have their thoughts and recommendations respected. Over the years, he’s developed a framework called The Essential Sevento help you recreate these results in your meetings, approach marketing assignments efficiently, and identify important problems and opportunities for a business.


– [Paul] The Essential Seven is solving marketing problems and getting the right answer at the right time. I welcome anybody who has a marketing kind of an assignment to use this as a framework.

– Hey, hey, we’re back. Another episode of More Than Marketing with me. I’m your host, Arsham Mirshah. Today, joined by the infamous Paul Field.

– Infamous indeed.

– Infamous indeed. Really excited to have Paul here because Paul, first off, he was in the Marines. So we’re gonna thank you for your service.

– Thank you.

– First and foremost.

– Thank you for the thank you.

– Of course, a lot of respect there. And also a lot of respect, this is Mad Men. Mad Men, he was literally hanging out with Don Draper. Don Draper, the character, on Madison Avenue. What was it, 285 Mad–

– 285 indeed.

– 285 Madison Avenue in the late ’60s, ’70s.

– Yep.

– So, that’s– We literally have a Mad Men of the agency world with us today on the podcast. Really excited to have you. Thanks for being here.

– Thank you. Thrilled to be here.

– It’s really cool and Paul’s also been consulting us here at WebMechanix. And he’s got a lot of good stuff to add, a lot of stuff we can learn from your years of experience.

– Thank you.

– Yeah, so thank you for that as well. And today, what are we– First of all, I’d love if you can kind of give a little bit more about your background.

– Okay.

– To start off.

– Well Sham mentioned that I was in the Marines. I found myself a year out of college commanding 15 Marines in Vietnam. And when that was over I found myself with Young and Rubicam, 285 Madison Avenue, being yelled at by the most junior copywriters and art directors.

– My how the times have changed.

– Quite a transition. But anyway, I spent a career in advertising, working for a couple of the best agencies in America, in New York. And then I ended up in Baltimore as Senior Vice President of a large agency for 17 years. And after that I started consulting with agencies and with their clients and branding. I have refocused the brands of some 23 companies in the last few years. And worked with–

– Wow.

– 20 or 30 agencies. So, I have some experience in marketing.

– Seen a thing or two.

– I’ve seen a thing or two.

– About the marketing and advertising world, agency and, but always agency side, right? You haven’t been on the client side?

– Well, early on after I started at Young and Rubicam, I thought I’d like to see what the client side was like.

– Uh-huh.

– So I went to work for Avon which at the time–

– Okay.

– Was at 30 Rock. And I had some exciting experiences on the 43rd floor of 30 Rock.

– Okay, cool. So you had that end as well.

– And I decided I like the agency side better.

– What do you like about the agency?

– Well I like the pace of it.

– Yeah, yeah me too.

– I like working right next to and hands on with creative people. I am creative enough that I can work with creative people and help them direct, monitor the creative process. But I’m not a creative myself. And so I found it a good home.

– Yeah yeah, and my understanding is Paul, so you’re on the account side of the agency. So a lot of relationship building, a lot of strategic thinking, understanding the clients’ business, their problem, what they’re trying to achieve, and then kinda helping put the strategy which is a frame for which the creatives come and propose a solution.

– Right.

– Is that right?

– Right.

– Alright. And then so in your time you, in your time in the agency world, you created what you call the essential seven.

– Yes.

– Okay. We wanna talk about the essential seven, Paul’s frame work, what would you call the essential seven? I’m calling it a framework for fill in the blank, or–

– Well a framework for approaching the marketing assignment, the marketing need, in an efficient way. And making sure all of the steps are in place or in sequence. I tell you this story if I may.

– Please.

– How I got to it.

– Yeah, that’s, definitely.

– As a young account person at Y&R, I would be in meetings with the senior people leading the meeting. And I’d listen to the questions and answers from the clients. And I thought wow, that’s really terrific. Wow, that’s smart. How did they know how to ask that question at that moment?

– Right, right.

– And nobody trained anybody in that. And in self-defense, I figured out a process for myself that I’ve written articles about. And it’s called the essential seven.

– Okay, yeah, so young in your career, you were, you’re like whoa. How are these experienced people asking the right questions at the right time which would uncover, I suppose, would uncover an answer or a strategy that would then move the assignment forward?

– Right.

– So to speak, yeah?

– And so the essential seven I have used and trained people in on the agency side. But it is solving marketing problems and getting the right answer at the right time. And client-side marketing teams use it. I welcome anybody who has a marketing kind of an assignment to use this as a framework.

– Yeah, I love it. I wanna reiterate that. So Paul here has been working at agencies. That’s where his experience has been. But that doesn’t mean, this essential seven could work if you’re an agency, if you’re working in an agency or if you’re working in-house at a company then you can use this. It’s still a marketing assignment.

– Right.

– It doesn’t matter if you’re an agency or in-house at a company. It’s a marketing assignment. You have a team that you need to align and move forward.

– That’s correct.

– To accomplish a goal. So that’s great. So now I wanna jump into it, ’cause there’s–

– Okay.

– There are seven pieces, we might as well get after it, huh?

– The way I tell the story is there are seven steps. And I can’t remember seven things, so it’s divided into two parts.

– Brilliant.

– There’s the tactical three and the strategic four.

– Nice, I like it. So where do you start then? Do you start with the tactical three?

– You start with the tactical three.

– You say logistical three.

– The tactical or the logistical three.

– Alright.

– So it starts with the kind of things that need to get squared away before you get into the guts of the assignment.

– Sure.

– So the first thing is, what are we doing?

– What’s the task?

– What’s the task? And the task could be as Sham and I were talking about earlier, it could be as simple as we’ve got the annual meeting coming up, we need a presentation for March 17th.

– Right.

– Or we need a TV spot on the air or fairly simple straight-forward things. Or it could be a step more strategic like we need to generate more leads or we need to generate more walk-in traffic. What’s the best way to do that? Or it could be even more strategic. Our website seems to be out of date. I’m thinking we need to focus on our website. Is that creative thing or a rebranding thing? What is it?

– Yeah, rebranding.

– Whatever the task is, that’s the first step, defining the task.

– And could the task also be something like hey, our reputation, we need to change our reputation or the perceived kind of, the perception of our brand?

– That’s right.

– That could be a task also?

– Sure.

– So as big as that or as little as, ’cause there’s a lot of ways to approach that. Or as little as, or as small as a task of, “Hey, I need a campaign on Google Ads.”

– Right.

– So for this particular keyword ’cause I know some people are typing it. So that’s the task, what’s the task?

– So what is it that we have gathered together to tackle this project?

– Why are we in this room together?

– Why are we in this room? Why are we here?

– Yeah, why are we here?

– And then the second step is perhaps obviously timing. When do we need this? Because I started in advertising, I’m very focused that the media has a deadline, that if you miss it, you can be out millions of dollars, paying the media for the time you didn’t use. So you have to be clear what is the deadline? When does this really have to be done? And as Sham knows, an agency team, if you’re using an agency, can do a lot of things quickly and there are some things however, that if you’re going to do a whole major assignment, it requires a lot of time.

– Yeah and coordination.

– So you CMOs and marketing managers out there, you need to be clear on your deadline and is it doable in the whole frame that you’re thinking about or do we need to cut it in various ways?

– Yeah, well said. That makes a lot of sense. They have to be clear, we all have to be clear about our deadlines on the task at large. But then also break it down into each chunk. Right?

– That’s right.

– So that’s project planning. Project management, if you will. Also in timing, it’s sometimes nice to know if there is a hard deadline or if it’s kind of like a we would like it by kind of thing.

– That’s right.

– Sometimes, like you alluded to the conference. Okay, we have a conference coming up. So now we need these materials, these brochures, website, whatever, interactive this, or whatever ’cause that conference is on a date. That conference is not gonna move.

– That’s right.

– So that’s why that’s our deadline.

– And many times if you’ve got that kind of a conference and one of the elements is a new website, we all have experienced, well you can show a couple of frames from the design of the website. It doesn’t have to really be finished.

– It doesn’t have to be developed and working, right.

– But there can be experiences. One of the folks here came back from a client meeting yesterday. And this client, I won’t name them, wants a whole new rebranding, new website, new logo, and associated materials in a month.

– Probably not gonna happen.

– Probably not gonna happen.

– Just thinking out loud here, probably not gonna happen.

– But we will figure out how to get them what they absolutely need–

– By that time.

– By that time.

– Exactly, so number one what’s the task? What are we here to do?

– Right.

– Number two, when do we need to do it by? What’s the timing? Is funding running out or is there a conference or is it, we need to generate more leads in general? Okay, got it, right. What’s the timing? And then so now we know the task, we know the timing. What do we need to know next? And the third logical–

– Well the next, the third logistical element is budget. And this is really important and if you’re dealing, if you’re a CMO or a marketing manager and you’re dealing with an agency, this always feels a little tricky on the client side. I think because they’re afraid clients always say to agencies, “We don’t have a budget yet.” Well they do have a budget.

– Right.

– But I have always thought they’re thinking, “If I name a figure “the agency inevitably “will work all the way to that figure.”

– Right.

– Well there’s some truth to that.

– There is.

– But the more important part of it is there has to be an understanding of what the budget requirement is, how far this could really go as you’re discussing the parameters of this. Agencies can do things small or big but if there is a misunderstanding or no understanding of the budget, there is a high likelihood mistakes will be made, time will be wasted, creative morale will fall down. And this will all be detrimental to the ultimate client. So there needs to be an understanding of what the budget is. And listen, there will be a contract, there will be estimates provided by the agency. So you can give the agency the number and then watch carefully as the estimates and the estimates revisions come in for you to approve.

– Yeah. Thank you for that. I agree. It’s always a challenging discussion as, hey, what is the budget for this? Oh, we don’t have a budget. We want you to tell us what the budget is.

– Yeah.

– Well okay we can do that. But we also wanna know that if we come back and say, “Hey this task, if you really wanna knock it out of the park “and really accomplish this goal, “we come back with, in the millions. “Are you gonna be receptive to that? “Or do we need to stay in the hundreds of thousands “or tens of thousands? “Where do we need to be? “Give us a ballpark.”

– Right.

– But similarly I think also within a company if you’re marketing manager, CMO, whatever, VP. If you have a team, they’re gonna need a budget too. If they’re buying ads, right? Or if they are going to print the collateral, they need to know, they need to know what the framework, they need to know the ballpark. So it goes, it works in-house, it works in agency. We need to know what the budget is. And I think most of time you know what the budget is. I mean it’s exception to the rule that the CEO or CFO is gonna say you have unlimited budget.

– Right.

– Get it done. It doesn’t work that way.

– I think once in a while some clients have said, “We don’t know what this is gonna cost. “If you’ll give us a budget, “we’ll come in and we’ll present it to management.” And that’s certainly believable and understandable. And there can be the appropriate discussion with them and the agency. And here is the budget. We could do this and here’s a budget we could do this.

– Yeah.

– You guys decide what you need.

– And I think that options is good there. Right?

– Yeah.

– And sometimes it’s smart to actually ask for options than say, “Hey, look. “If you come over “I don’t know, just pick a number. “If you go over a 100,000 it’s never gonna happen. “But don’t just go up to 100,000. “Show me what the 100,000 is. “But also show me what a 50,000 would look like. “And tell me, will I accomplish the task. “Will I accomplish the goal “if I choose the 50,000.” ‘Cause thing we like to do is is say okay, client comes to us and says, “Here’s the task, here’s the timing, and here’s the budget.” And we’ll just tell ’em, “We think it’s impossible to accomplish that. “So we’re not the right people for the job. “And if someone else tells you it is possible “we would ask you to raise an eyebrow on that “and have them show you.”

– Yeah. Good point.

– Yeah, I mean it’s happened. Right?

– Yes.

– It also happened another way too where it’s, “Wow, you have a lot of money “for something that should be pretty easy.” Is this logistical three, timing. I’m sorry. Task first, what is the task, why are we here. Two is timing, when does is it need, when do we need it, why. And number three, budget. What are we working with?

– Pretty good, pretty good.

– I have some, I’m cheating, slash, we just talked about it. So I should remember it. Should we move on?

– Okay.

– Strategic four. So now.

– Strategic four. So now we’re getting into it.

– Yes.

– So one of the considerations at least for an agency side and similarly on the client side, I call a company or insight which is a reminder to me what’s really going on, not marketing issues. What’s really going on that will affect this project. For example, does the CEO hate the color blue? Well let’s not waste time and money showing them anything with a color blue or have we fired our staff salespeople and we’re going to manufacturers’ reps which is a whole different situation.

– Right.

– And it deeply affects many other things we might do. So what’s really going on?

– So it’s digging deeper into the why of the task, is the task.

– Yes.

– Right.

– Yeah.

– Okay. Yeah, that makes sense. So another example might be, we have a PR nightmare for example. I don’t know, we just had to let go, E. coli was found in our food. And so now we have a PR nightmare and now the task is to reverse that view. So what’s really going on? What’s the why behind, am I accurate on this? This is your framework. I wanna make sure I’m–

– Yeah. What’s going on that affects this project?

– Brilliant. Great. Okay, so that’s number one on the strategic.

– Okay. And then the second item, some of this was effected by Neil Borden in the Harvard Business School’s famous marketing mix in 1964. So product, what is it that we’re marketing? What is it that we’re selling? And why should they do it? Now it’s easy to say, like Rosser Reeves in 1961 came up with the unique selling proposition, the USP. What is the unique reason to buy this product? M&M’s, they melt in your mouth not in your hand. I said this yesterday and somebody said, “It melted in my hand.”

– It also melts in my hand.

– Well, too bad. So what’s the reason? And as we’re thinking about it, I require folks to give me three supporting reasons why the USP is true. But it can be very difficult when you have what’s really a parity product and a parity brand, in reality to think of a meaningful USP. And when I was giving a lecture the other day, somebody asks me, “How do you go about “coming up with a unique USP “in that situation?”

– Unique selling proposition.

– And here’s the answer to that. An answer. In 1981, Jack Trout and Al Ries wrote a book called Positioning. I urge you to read it if you haven’t because it makes the point, we need to find the niche between our competitors and look for something unique that we can own in the middle. And may I take a second and give an example?

– Yes, of course. Please.

– Some years ago, the BWI Airport folks asked us to put together a campaign. They had a problem. They were getting traffic from folks that lived in the Baltimore area, taking flights, and it wasn’t growing. And it wasn’t, and with people not coming to the airport, they couldn’t get more carriers in to attract more people. And it was a problem. So we as a team thought about it. And we thought about it and we looked at the whole market. We thought the problem might be bigger than what I just said. So we looked at the whole region and Reagan National Airport is not much fun to go through and Dulles, if you live on this side of DC is a long way to go to.

– Indeed.

– And when we did some testing at BWI, we discovered BWI really is very pleasant and easy. So we came up with a solution, we positioned BWI, not as the Baltimore Airport, since we’ll get all those folks anyway. But as the easy come easy go regional airport.

– Mhmm.

– And this went from a minor little account to a multi-million dollar advertising account. We did marketing in major theater cities like Chicago and Atlanta. If you’re coming to this region, take the easy come easy go airport.

– Yes.

– Don’t go through that crazy stuff.

– Yes.

– And it worked great. BWI became the fastest-growing airport in the United States.

– How about that.

– As a result of this refocus. So by positioning it against the competition, we figured out a unique approach.

– That was the value. The value of BWI is easy come easy go.

– Right.

– Simple, no traffic, right.

– And the line worked because it’s true.

– Yeah, it is true. No, I would completely agree knowing, I mean that’s where I, I refused to go out of Dulles and Reagan. I’ll pay more. I’ll literally pay 100 or 200 more just to fly out of BWI.

– And let me–

– So it is true.

– Let me add one other thing while we’re talking about the product. You need to understand as the marketing side, the client side folks usually do the whole value chain, how the product moves from the manufacturer down to where it sells. There may be some interesting bumps along the way that provide opportunities.

– Yeah, some unique things along the way.

– That’s right.

– Right.

– So knowing the value chain is important.

– Yeah and you know there’s stories out there about how even if your product isn’t different, even if your value chain or your supply chain, let’s call it in this case, is the same as your competitor, your competitor may not be talking about the supply chain. There was one story, I forget from what book. But it was like, hey, this fabric is the same as my competitor. But we get it from the same place in the Middle East. It’s a very nice fabric. But the competitor wasn’t talking about how it was, how the fabric was produced. So the marketing campaign focused on that. Hey, this fabric, they didn’t come out and say it’s the same as our competitor. They said it’s produced by the fine, the well-fed sheeps in whatever the thing was, the differentiator was. And while it was the same, it was just positioned.

– That’s right.

– And that made all the difference. That made them grow than the competition.

– And this is a problem we find all the time every day. When in reality which is your marketing is exactly the same as the competition. One example I like to think about is Geico.

– Yeah yeah. That’s perfect.

– Who seized the position. It was 15 minutes to save 15% or more in car insurance. I am sure that all other car insurance companies could make the same claim.

– Right.

– But Geico seized that position.

– They own it.

– They own it, they nail it, and they present it very well.

– That’s right. And now the other ones can’t do, they can’t own it. So they can tiptoe around it.

– And they do.

– And they do. I see a Farmers commercial last night. We know a thing or two ’cause we’ve seen a thing or two. So they’re going with the expertise angle as opposed to the saves you money angle. So product and value chain. What is the USP, the unique selling proposition that we have? How are we positioning our product? That’s the number two on the strategic four. And could you take us to number three?

– Sure. The important, the vitally important, is a target market. Who is the target market? And understanding the target market and what makes them tick is crucial to all of us in marketing.

– Yeah.

– And I have a simple shorthand that I developed as a mental checklist when I’m writing up a creative brief or strategic direction to make sure that I have identified the target market. And it’s my brand vision ABC. When you’re thinking about who is your target market. And the A stands for what is the target market’s attitude about this product or service? And what would they like? B, their behavior. Their shopping behavior.

– Mhmm.

– So how do they go about shopping for this thing? And what do they do now? Maybe what would we like them to do if it is moveable. And C is characteristics. What do we know about them? Demographics, buying decision, psychographics. What are the factors that we know about them? And how can we get at them?

– This, I really like this ABC. I’ve told you this before. And here’s why. When we when we learn to do personas, it doesn’t go as deep as attitude and behavior necessarily. It typically will focus, the first thing you learn in persona development is the characteristics, the C to your ABC. The firmographics, demographics, is it male or female? What’s their age? Where do they live? Those types of characteristics. Do they have a family or not? The behaviors, I love that, ’cause we need to understand how they buy and how they want to buy. How they should buy. So that we can insert ourselves in there properly. And then attitudes. I think that’s the most important one because that’s where you can, that’s where your value proposition comes into play. That’s when you can decide what kinda angle you’re gonna take. Is this a fear, is this greed?

– That’s right.

– So you gotta understand the attitude as well as the behavior, as well as the characteristics before you–

– Right.

– Can know what you–

– And let me make another point that you and I have talked about a couple of times before. It’s vital to understand if you’re in a B to C or a B to B situation. I made a colossal mistake earlier in my career from which I learned from. It’s a long story which I’ll spare you now. But I thought my client was essentially in a B to C situation. And we were doing trade ads to sell the product to the manufacturer who bought that particular product. And it wasn’t working well enough. And we thought about it. And we figured it out in the nick of time. It wasn’t a push situation. We created a pull situation because we came to understand the whole chain in a B to B situation. Folks, there is usually… in a B to B situation, it’s usually more complicated than a B to C situation and you must understand the steps. In this particular case, there were manufacturers’ reps, they were dealers who had choices of various, our product or the competitors?

– Yeah, competition.

– So you have to understand that in this case we created a pull campaign to get consumers to go into dealers and ask for that product which made the manufacturer happy which got him to buy our ingredient product.

– Right. ‘Cause the end consumer would come in to the dealer and say, “Hey, I want this product. “But it has to be made with this.”

– That’s right.

– Component.

– So we didn’t really care if they, if they bought it. But in a pull situation, it made the manufacturer–

– Say we need–

– Through.

– Right right, exactly. Yeah, which made your client. Paul, before we hit the last one. Let me take a quick commercial break. We’ll be right back. Okay Paul, so we got three of the strategic four down.

– We do.

– We have started out with what’s the company. But when you say company that’s the why behind the task. Why are we doing this? Number two is the product. The unique selling proposition about the product and the value chain. The positioning, the differentiator, could go there. How we’re positioning this thing. And then number three, was the target market. Their attitude, the ABCs in the target market. Their attitude, their behaviors, and the characteristics. Demographic, firmographic, and such. Now onto number four.

– Okay, wrapping it up, number four. It’s really important, it’s competition. And I have been surprised to find in my career that a lot of folks are not paying much attention to their competition beyond lip service. And I have found that if I come into a client’s office with information of what their primary competition or more distant competition is up to, more often than not they’re surprised, they’re thrilled, ’cause they haven’t been paying that close attention.

– Right.

– So pay attention to what your competition is up to. I wanna make two other points.

– Bring it.

– The competition, understanding what the competition is up to is critical from the positioning point.

– Yes.

– That I made earlier. You’ll have to know what they’re doing so you can figure out where the niches that you can move forward.

– Yes.

– And the third point on this is, I read just recently that when you’re thinking about getting the message out according to Forbes in 2017, there were between 4,000 and 10,000 messages, advertising messages a day, smashing into the head of the average consumer. 4,000 to 10,000.

– That’s wild.

– Incredible.

– Wild.

– So when you’re thinking about that you have to think about what can we do as marketers, as agency folks, to break through that. And I have an answer for you. When you’re thinking about what you’re up to, the communication that you send out into that maelstrom, think about it and judge it when your agency comes to you or your marketing team comes to you and here is what we think we’re gonna do. And you look at it and you say to yourself, it has to satisfy two Cs. ABC. And the two Cs are clear and compelling.

– Yeah.

– Is the message in the communication perfectly clear? 15%, let’s say.

– 15% or more, yeah.

– 15% or more in car insurance. Is the message as clear as the Geico example? And then is it presented in a compelling way? Is the communication creatively attention-getting enough.

– Right.

– That it breaks through the clutter of the four to 10,000 messages and the ultimate consumer will get it and pay attention. I think this is critical. C and C.

– Yeah.

– Good way to think about it.

– What about, I thought it was clear and concise. But compelling makes a lot more sense. I think concise also, if you think about, if you wanna add a third to your framework, you’re more than welcome to do this, because 4,000 to 10,000 messages a day, marketing or advertising messages a day. I mean maybe you wanna be concise to the point, compelling, I don’t know. Clear, concise, and compelling.

– That’s a good thought.

– I mean it doesn’t. It doesn’t necessarily work on every single medium. But especially in, when you only have a limited amount of space. TV ad, 30 second, 15 seconds. Display ad, it’s only certain dimensions. So it’s gotta, I think by definition, it has to be concise. You can’t, you just have, depending on your medium, you don’t have more than so much room. So I like this framework a lot. It’s obvious that a lot of experience went into crafting it. The reason I like it the most is I think you knew this about WebMechanix. We have an academy that we, we teach the community digital marketing and advertising. And one of the things that we don’t have a course for is how to create strategy or how to frame the problem or the account in such a way that all the stakeholders or all the different departments will know what the task is or what we’re trying to accomplish. And that’s what this essential seven really does. This is an alignment tool to essentially create a brief.

– Yes.

– And then that brief can be used across all the different departments. Like for us we have marketing, we have creative, we have tech, technical services departments. They all should have eyes on this brief. Or on the answers to this essential seven. If you’re within a company, same thing.

– Well I’m glad to hear you say that. That’s exactly right. That’s the point to this.

– That’s the whole point. Same thing, if you’re the marketing manager inside of a company, you use this framework. You can now share that with your team. You can share it with your boss. You can share it with the CEO, right?

– Right.

– And say, “Hey, look. “This is my understanding of the task, the timing, “and the budget. “This is my understanding of the actual business problem “of why we’re doing this task. “My understanding of our unique selling proposition. “Maybe this is my understanding of it. Or “Here’s what I came up with “after looking at the competition.” And knowing that we wanna be in a blue ocean or knowing that it makes sense to kinda juxtaposition, or position ourselves different than the competition so we don’t just sound the same, right? It’s not compelling if it’s the same as what your competition is saying. Right?

– Right.

– So I really really really like this as a kind of process or tool to align all the stakeholders and–

– Well thank you.

– And team.

– I found it very useful. I’ve used it for some years and taught it for some years. And as I said at the beginning, I created this when I walked in by myself into client directional meetings to know what to do. But as time went on, I found it exactly as Sham said, helpful in writing a creative brief, critical in writing a creative brief.

– Right.

– Useful in writing advertising or marketing plans, useful for many things, for understanding our process and is a checklist to make sure we’ve covered our bases.

– So Paul, would you be so kind as to allow me to offer this to the listenership.

– I’d be glad to. This is–

– What a good man. Serves his country and then comes and creates frameworks and shares it for free.

– I’m glad to have you do that. How can people get a hold of it?

– I’m gonna put a link in the description here or I think what we can do is how about this, if you’re listening then go and Google WebMechanix essential seven. You can type type out seven or put the number seven. WebMechanix essential seven. Or Paul Field. You can put some Paul Field in there too. Paul Field WebMechanix essential seven. You Google that, and we’ll be the number one result.

– Great.

– And there will be a download link there or otherwise if you’re on YouTube it’ll be in the description, wherever the else this is, the description, or wherever else we’ll put it.

– Sounds great.

– Free of charge.

– This has been a lot of fun, talking about it.

– Mine, it’s my pleasure. You have a lot more to give, to talk about. You got a lot of cool perspectives. I know because we’ve been talking for the last several weeks. So maybe we have you come back on. We do something else.

– One other thing that might be interesting to talk about up to you, some future time, is talking to marketing leaders about knowing when and how to refocus their brand.

– Yeah, that sounds great. That’ll be the next episode. How about that?

– Okay. Great.

– Paul, thank you so much for your time. Essential seven. You’re a good man.

– My pleasure.

– Thank you, kindly.

– Thank you.

– All y’all out there, hopefully this was helpful. We talked about it. Maybe you were listening and writing it down. If you’re driving you can’t. Check out the description for a link to download the Essential Seven from Paul Field himself. Thank you. Subscribe, like. Share this with whomever you think would enjoy this content. And we’ll see you next time.

Paul Field

Paul FieldMarketing Consultant

Arsham Mirshah

Arsham MirshahCEO & Co-Founder

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