Superb insights from 4 female CMOs

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Gathered together in this special episode are some of the best insights from some of the greatest leaders in the marketing world. These four women share their most valuable marketing knowledge which has helped them in their roles as CMO at four great companies.

  • Kristi Melani, the CMO of Telesign, explores how and why marketers can replace dead benchmarks.
  • Anna Griffin, the CMO of Intercom, shares how sales and marketing are merging and what it means to the future of your company’s growth.
  • Stephanie Moritz, the CMO at the American Dental Association, discusses how curiosity can be your competitive advantage.
  • Amy Barzdukas is the CMO of WiTricity and breaks down why your brand is so important to every part of your marketing.

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  1. Marketers need to figure out what they want to measure and then the equation to measure that. This should encompass more than just one aspect for marketing success to be measured on. 
  2. With the enormous growth opportunities opened by the rise of the internet, the lines between sales and marketing have begun to blur. Selling happens across the entire customer lifecycle, which means two departments need to work in tandem.
  3. Successful organizations are built on curiosity. Their cultures reward asking why and discovering new ways to do things.
  4. A big part of creating a culture of curiosity comes down to understanding your employees and internal customers along with infusing opportunities to be creative into your meetings. 
  5. Your brand is so much more than making the company look pretty. The brand influences product decisions, pricing decisions, your make or buy strategy, marketing mix decisions, and so much more than just the accent colors or the H1 font.
  6. You need to really understand your customer when developing your brand because great brands are polarizing.


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Chris Mechanic

Chris MechanicCEO & Co-Founder

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