Kerry Eating Crabs for her Birthday
blog post | news + business

Happy Birthday, Kerry!

We celebrated Kerry’s birthday last week! Kerry is the Business Development Director here at WebMechanix. Her work revolves around one goal — to create opportunities for growth (which she’s pretty darn good at)!

On her birthday, we sat with Kerry to find out what she is all about!

Are you a hunter or a gatherer?


You find a slightly used genie who will grant you one wish. What would that be?

More wishes.

Who is your celebrity doppelgänger?

I’ve been told Scarlett Johansson, but she has huge boobs so I don’t know where these people are seeing this.

How do you recharge when you feel drained?

Binge watch a new Netflix series or if it’s nice out, lay in the sun for some good old vitamin D.

What is the boldest move you made?

Oh man….does it just have to be one? I guess I’ll go on the more business side. I walked out of a meeting during my first year in sales because the CEO was not taking me seriously. He ended up calling me back and signed the contract on the spot.

What is the best part of your job?

Honestly, I would say half would be the conversations I have with my colleagues every day in the office during lunch, and the other half would be the conversations I have with prospects/clients. I learn something new every day and laugh very hard at least once a day because of it.

What are your birthday plans?

I’m going skydiving!

What is your mantra?

I have two…

“You have to trust your instincts and let go of regret.”

“If you HAVE to be some place, even if you don’t want to be, try and take one good thing from it…always try and turn a negative into a positive.”

About the writer
Dhara is a passionate Digital Marketing Intern at WebMechanix.

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