WebMechanix wins Baltimore Business Journal's Best Fastest Growing Company Award
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WebMechanix wins Baltimore Business Journal’s Best Fastest Growing Company Award

WebMechanix’s shelves are running out of space. Last week, they announced winning  “Best large integrated search agency in the US” from US Search Awards.

Today, they’re proud to announce that they’ve just been named one of the fastest-growing private companies by the Baltimore Business Journal.

Baltimore Business Journal Awards ceremony

Baltimore contains a thriving community of private companies that are making a name for themselves. WebMechanix shares the list of fastest-growing private companies with Confidio and Moseley Architects, which made $69 million and $16 million in revenue in 2018, respectively.

Two of WebMechanix’s employees, Ashley and Taylor, attended the awards ceremony to accept the award. Taylor said, “It was incredibly inspiring to see so much talent and ambition in one room. These are companies from multiple different industries and company sizes, all having tremendous annual growth. It was cool to have the opportunity to represent (and meet) the people that put in the hard work to get there. The entire BBJ team provided such a warm and welcoming experience (and not to mention some pretty great food). We hope to be on the list again next year!”

WebMechanix accepts fastest growing company award

“These awards & recognition are proof that WebMechanix is on the path to achieving its mission of  being the most sought-after performance-marketing shop to hire and work for — in the world. Our growth is a result of the great work and results we provide for clients,” said Arsham Mirshah, cofounder and co-CEO of WebMechanix.

About WebMechanix

WebMechanix is a performance-based online marketing firm on a mission to help middle-market companies move needles faster, more meaningfully, and more sustainably than any comparable solution on the market. Founded in 2009 by Chris Mechanic and Arsham Mirshah, the company is headquartered in the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area.

Want to learn more about what WebMechanix can do for an online business? Check out any of WebMechanix’s digital marketing case studies.

About the writer
William Chou
William Chou
William Chou has years of experience in the world of corporate digital marketing. He is proficient in SEO, paid media, email marketing, and copywriting.

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