super hero win stories
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#WinStoryWednesday: Slashing AdWords costs, exploding call volume & going virtual

This week, we’ve got something special for you… Check out how we deliver results that pay.

Win #1: AdWords quality scores go from (near) zero to hero and cost drops 90%

We manage Google AdWords for a healthcare client, and most of their ad groups target location-specific keywords. We noticed one of their highest-converting keywords for their top service line had two issues: the cost-per-acquisition (CPA) was outrageously high, and quality scores were sagging at around 3/10.

Using a strategy we previously employed for a local jewelry client, we separated our high-performing, location-specific, broad-match modified keywords into their own ad groups. This allowed us to tailor ad copy to include our targeted location within the ad. The results were out of this world.

After making our changes, the keywords that were broken apart converted at an all-time low of $22 (compared to hundreds/thousands of dollars previously) with a quality score of 10/10! We implemented the changes across other ad groups and saw similar jumps in performance and quality scores. This wasn’t a one-time fluke, either—as we’ve continued to break keywords into more specific ad groups, we’ve seen conversion rates continue to rise, while CPA has steadily dropped.

AdWords screenshow

Stacey, the Google Ads account strategist who implemented these changes, wrote another useful blog post on creating a PPC If/Then List that has helped her make other impactful PPC decisions.

Win #2: Experiment yields an explosive 439% increase in phone calls

One of our digital strategists, Odunola, ran a series of CRO experiments for a health and wellness chain. She elected to test a new call to action (CTA) on their services overview page, as the original CTA was bland and not very descriptive. She came up with a catchy new headline—“Get the pep back in your step!”—along with some compelling body copy and generated a test that… well, take a look yourself:

exploding call volume

Her test created a 99% statistically significant winner with a 439% improvement in phone calls!

Win #3: [Down]time to level-up

Wins come in all shapes and sizes—and don’t always just apply to our clients. As an efficient and results-driven agency, we seek to foster employee happiness and morale. Because happy employees = happy clients, and that’s what we’re all about. This week, we #undercovergeeks at WebMechanix got some much-needed downtime to get our game on and explore the world of virtual reality.

WebMechanix provides a fun work environment for staff!

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One of our greatest strengths is our ability to bring on new talent and train them from the ground up to be marketing rockstars. You’ve seen plenty of our wins from previous #WinStoryWednesday posts, but you might be surprised to know that many of them were achieved by people trained in-house, right here at WebMechanix.

You can be the next WebMechanix superstar, even if you don’t have all the skills yet. One recent apprentice has even gone on to succeed in the most competitive city in the world!

Interested in applying for our apprentice program? Check out our Careers page.

Prepare to fly to the stratosphere

Much like superheroes, we’ve faced impossible obstacles head-on, tested different strategies, and learned how to overcome our toughest challenges. When you work with WebMechanix, you can bet we’ll tackle any problem you throw our way and shoot past the goals you’ve set. The battle won’t always be quick or easy, but rest assured that we’ll fly off into the sunset together 🙂

About the writer
Clare French
Clare French
Clare is Director of Marketing and has been a SaaS marketer for over a decade at a diverse array of software companies. She [finally] joined WebMechanix as a transplant from the client side, having hired the agency time and again. In her spare time, she goes to lots of concerts, seeks to make the world a better place and adores her darling dog, Sunshine.

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