Setting & measuring WordPress site speed optimization goals (Site Speed Tips Part 3)

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Discover what your WordPress site speed goals should be. Find out how slow is too slow (less than 3 seconds at less than 1MB?) and how can you measure it accurately (hint: Pingdom, GTMetrix, & Google).


So, what should your goals be here, right? Your goals should be to have your site load in less than three seconds. That’s the standard.

If you do that you’re great. Less than two seconds, I’m very impressed. Less than one megabyte in weight. So, we’re talking about weight. The size of a page, you can measure this, right? There are tools out there to measure it and so, you want your page to be less than one megabyte. It’s hard to do. This is not easy to do.

But, check out our website. Check out and see if we load in less than one megabyte. I’m pretty sure we’re there or really, really close. We take this stuff seriously ’cause we do it for ourselves and obviously for our clients, right? How can you know? What tools can you use? There’s a lot of tools out there. Just jump on Google, Google page speed and Google actually has a page speed calculator that’ll tell you how fast your site loads, they’ll give you a score out of 100 and they’ll tell you the things you can do to fix it.

And I’m gonna give you some tips on how you can make your page weight less, as well, but I want to tell you some other tools. Pingdom is a good tool to use and GTmetrix is probably the best tool to use, they give you the best recommendation, GTmetrix with an X. So, just Google those, you’ll find them, links in the description, as well.

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