Page speed optimization for SEO & why it matters (Site Speed Tips Part 1)

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Uncover how page weight affects SEO. Google likes things to be fast. If everything else is equal between your site and another site, page speed is the tipping point.


Hello everyone, Arsham Mirshah here, cofounder of WebMechanix, and today I want to talk about your weight problem. Not your weight problem, silly, your website’s weight problem.

You’ve probably heard about this. Page speed or page weight, this is how fast your website loads. Who cares? Why is this important? Because Google and all the search engines, really, are in the business of providing relevant results, and thereby giving their users a good user experience. So why do you go to Google to search something? It’s because you believe that Google’s gonna give you the best answer. Well, how do they determine what the best answer is?

That’s the whole study of search engine optimization. That’s a, you know we could do another video on that. But all things equal, if you have two websites, and they have the exact same content, the same back-link profile, but one loads in seven seconds and one loads in two seconds, everything else equal, Google’s gonna to rank the faster-loading site. They’ve already come out and said that page speed is a ranking factor. It is one of the factors in their algorithm.

We don’t know how big of a factor it is, but I imagine, because they’re keeping an eye on this, mobile devices going up, up and to the right, faster than desktop. It’s a big deal. They know it. They want to provide a good user experience, so they’re going to reward sites that load faster.

So if you got any questions, reach out to us. We’re easy to find. Happy to talk about this stuff. It’s really exciting for me. I know it’s kind of nerdy, but whatever. It makes an impact. It makes a difference. Makes a difference for your users, thereby making a difference for your business, and ultimately you’ll see it on your bottom line.

Arsham Mirshah

Arsham MirshahCEO & Co-Founder

Video Info:
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