Top 5 Online Marketing Stories
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The Top Five Online Marketing Stories for 9/3/12 – 9/10/12

Our marketing team is constantly scouring the web to stay on top of the latest online marketing developments. Here’s what we uncovered last week that we wanted to send your way!

The Hidden Dangers and Costs of Cheap Internet Marketing

Many companies feel that they can skimp on costs for SEO and social media by hiring the cheapest services available. Ever hear the saying “you get what you pay for?” When it comes to internet marketing, it rings more true than ever.

In lieu of Google’s recent algorithm updates, if you’re buying cheap links, content, or other SEO services, you could run the risk of driving your website’s rankings into the ground. Buying a cheapo website? Expect a buggy, poor user experience that won’t generate leads. Bargain bin social media efforts? Watch out — you risk looking fake, inauthentic, and ruining your online credibility.


90 Percent Use Multiple Screens on the Same Day

A study by Google has discovered that 90 percent of consumers move sequentially between separate screens on any given day, including PCs, tablets, and smartphones. Smartphones were the second most common screen in use, and browsing the internet was the most common screen-switching activity for 81% of all consumers.

Google also discovered that 65% of all multi-device purchases start on a smartphone, and then 61% continue on to a PC. What does this signal for businesses looking to get the most leads? The answer is clear: investing in a mobile-optimized website and marketing campaign is key to online competitiveness moving forward.


Democrats More Likely To Engage in Politics on Social Media

A new study from the Pew Internet and American Life project has discovered that Democrats are not only more likely to use social media, but also more likely to discuss politics through social media.

While politics are becoming more prevalent in social media as the Presidential election approaches, statistics show that the average social media user’s views are not swayed by political themed posts. Does this mean that the huge social media campaigns parties are engaging in for the election are all for nothing?


Bing Challenges Google to Modern “Pepsi Challenge”

Remember the “Pepsi Challenge” ads, where Pepsi would participate in blind taste tests against Coke? Well, Pepsi overwhelmingly won, and the campaign was so successful it lasted decades. Now, Bing is challenging Google to a similar challenge called Bing It On.

After users enter a search query on, they’ll be presented with two anonymous lists of results sitting side-by-side (one representing Bing, the other Google). Pick the side that gives you the best results and then enter a new search term and repeat. After 5 searches, you’ll be shown the results of your blind “search test.”

Bing is confident it will be the winner more often than not and is going to promote the challenge heavily on prime time TV and other media outlets.


How Google Makes Its Maps

Google Map MakerIt’s no secret that Google Maps is the preferred source of directions for internet users around the world. But what goes into making this service so accurate (and why do they give it away for free)?

Google recently pulled back the curtain and demonstrated how the team collects data and builds the maps. From orbiting satellites to photo capturing cars to data scientists, Google goes through a tremendously complex process to offer the reliable maps that help deliver customers to your business’s doorsteps.


About the writer
Brian Thackston
Brian Thackston
Brian creates exceptional content and enduring publishing strategies that attract and convert. He is also a Nintendo fanatic who is grooving through law school so that he can fight for the freedom of the web.

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