MTM Ep#25: Finally… straightforward multi-channel attribution modeling with Moni Oloyede

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In this podcast episode, with Marketing Ops specialist Moni Oloyede, a marketing operations technologist. She has experience in Eloqua, Marketo, HubSpot, and Pardot. She works for Fidelis Cybersecurity.

Moni and I did an episode already. You might want to check episode 20and listen to that one first, because we talk about the basics of marketing ops, marketing automation, and CRM, including the perils. Today, we’re going to go a deeper by talking about multi-channel marketing attribution and how to work back to the goal you need to hit.


– [Moni] Get baselines, establish baselines, and then your company’s going to reach, want to reach some kind of target. Figure out what that is, and then work backwards from your baseline, and figure out how much you need to increase,

– Work backwards.

– [Moni] to get to that goal.

– Hey, you’re listening to More Than Marketing. I’m your host, Arsham Mirshah, joined again by Moni Oloyede.

– Perfect.

– I get it right?

– Nailed it!

– I love it, it’s a beautiful last name. Moni and I did an episode, if you are listening to this one you might want to go back to episode 20, and listen to that one first, ’cause we talk about marketing ops, and marketing automation and CRM and some, the perils and therein. Today we’re going to go a little deeper I think.

– Mm-hm, yeah.

– Yeah. Talk about other things that we’re seeing, and hopefully, give you some tips to take back to your companies. Moni, could I have you introduce yourself again, now?

– Sure, so, I am a marketing operations kind of specialist, marketing technologist is what I like to kind of refer to myself, but I’ve been in marketing operations almost my entire career. Started out with Eloqua, then moved over into learning Marketo, and HubSpot, and Pardot and a bunch of other tools, consulting, and then coming back in-house, but right now currently work for a cybersecurity company, running marketing operations for them.

– And I think it’s really interesting, I think we’ve talked about this on our first episode, that like, marketing ops, or marketing operations, it’s like, that role didn’t exist 10 years ago.

– No. No.

– Right?

– Exactly.

– And it’s cool, now it’s an actual, you see it all in the job boards, marketing ops and–

– Yeah.

– Companies are starting to realize.

– Starting to realize that. I think it’s across department actually I know, you have sales operations and HR operations, and–

– DevOps.

– DevOps, exactly. Wherever there’s sort of the technology, you need operations to kind of bring those things together.

– Thank you. Thank you, you nailed it. ‘Cause I was just about to ask, let me just ask, what is marketing op, why do we need marketing ops?

– Right. So–

– That’s where the technology is, you said.

– It’s where the technology is. And not only where the technology is, but making all, at certain point, if you have more than two technologies, they need to talk to each other.

– Yeah.

– Right? And connecting them, and making that as a seamless as a process as you possibly can.

– That’s a major trend that my partner and I are seeing, and are talking about, is that, you know, rewind 10, five, even five years ago, even a couple years ago, data was, and still is today but it, moving it forward won’t be, is siloed, or was siloed, right? So there’s data sitting in these different platforms and, and so, that gives you a little bit of an excuse if you’re a marketer, right, you could be like hey, this is what I’m seeing in the data, or in the platforms that I’m in, and you don’t tie that to anything else, like sales data, CRM for example, and so you kind of have an excuse, yeah, my number was looking great.

– Exactly. Yeah.

– But, not hitting the bottom.

– You’re seeing this part of the picture, all right?

– Exactly.

– You’re only lookin’ at your view. And that’s not necessarily the view of the entire business.

– Yeah.

– So yes, absolutely, and that’s part of kind of like, so in our first conversation we talked, kind of like, how do you get off the ground, and what’re the kind of foundational things in marketing operations, but once you start to get into the technology and the process of putting them together, you start to realize that data’s kind of the hub of all of it, and how do you streamline it, kind of make it uniform, and then make it something that you can actually be actionable on, right like, okay, what do I do with this stuff? I’ve gone to a lot of companies, and they have tons of data, and it’s great, but it’s like, okay, now what, what do I do with this? Or I’m, I got my KPIs, I have this open rate and this click-through rate and got this many NQLs, and that’s like, great, and so what? Is that good, bad, ugly, do you need to make that better? How do you increase that by 10%, 15% to reach their goals?

– So yeah, so what do you do? I mean, okay, now I, right, so, ’cause, what do you do? You go into a company, let’s say, and you see they have these click-through rates and this, this many NQLs or whatever. What’s, what is the next step? I mean, what is–

– So, it’s a great, excellent question, and I’ll tell anybody, if you run into this situation is, you need to find what baseline is for that company. Right, so, I, when I walked into my company, I already knew, and I actually walked in at a good time, I started there in October, which is Q4, so I already had like, just give me the quarter. January 1, we’ll come in, implement, and this is what we’re going to do, but just give me a couple months to kind of figure out what’s going on, and it’s either, realize what the baselines are by running, going back and looking at what was historically there, or establishing my own if none exist. ‘Cause that could be the case too as well. They could not be tracking certain things that you know need to be tracked.

– Tracking could be broken, for example, yeah yeah, sure. Or a system’s not talking to at all.

– Sys not talking to each other, exactly. Data is just crappy, it’s just wrong. That happens too.

– All the time.

– All the time.

– Yeah, okay. Okay, so get baselines.

– Get baselines. Establish baselines, and then kind of meet your, your company’s going to have a goal, right? You’re not pulling things out of thin air, your company’s going to reach, want to reach some kind of target. Figure out what that is, and then work backwards from your baseline. Exactly, and figure out how much you need to increase,

– Work backwards.

– to get to that goal. So that’s what I did too as well. And again, that went back to like, some of the data was flat wrong, I had to go back from scratch and really figure it out.

– And I can see, Moni, that if, okay, so company has a goal, they want to grow revenue by 10 million this year, okay, what’s an average deal size, so divide those two, now you know how many deals you need, right? Great, what’s the average close rate, okay, let’s use backtracking,

– Back it up.

– backtracking, right, and you’re, you’re kind of reverse engineering back to, back to marketing, right? Top of the funnel, or whatever, right?

– Top of the funnel, exactly.

– And so, and in doing that, and when you look at that funnel, so to speak, although it’s a flywheel now, that’s a topic, that’s a topic for another podcast.

– Okay, all right.

– But when you look at that, then you say, oh, you know what, we don’t have clean data here, or this, to get this, to get this metric we need to integrate with this platform or whatever, right? ‘Cause y’know, one good example for instance is, all the different ad platforms, we got Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit, Quora. Well, okay, let’s consolidate all of our spend into one report. Let’s, are those leads that are coming in? I’ve had clients, Moni, where, it happened to us! We’re running LinkedIn ads, and people were responding, filling out the lead form, but, that wasn’t going to our CRM.

– Oh, classic.

– And so what happened?

– Exactly.

– You don’t follow up.

– You don’t follow up, exactly. Classic.

– So that’s where, that’s where marketing ops comes in and says, what are you all doing?

– What are you doing with these? What happened with this?

– Yeah, what happened with this, what are you doing here, and let me make sure that is in our system of truth, which is CRM.

– Exactly, that’s also like when I would come into a new company, I never panic. There’s always going to be low-hanging fruit, always. There’s something broken here, something missing over here, if you just tweak this dial here, you’re going to get some quick, easy wins, so, never panic, there’s always something that can, plug that could be, hole that could be plugged really quickly, to show some results while you work on the rest of your–

– So what are some of those common things, right, that you’ve seen in your tenure?

– Yeah, so, I mean a good thing about data management, is a couple things, so one is just getting it standardized, right? So if you have a marketing automation platform and you’re not running any kind of data standardization campaigns, those are quick, easy wins for you, so, if you do things like, if you have USA and you want to standardize it all to United States as soon as they come in, you could set up campaigns looking for those parameters, and then as soon as it comes in you just switch it out. And then phone number, unifying phone number. It’s been a best practice not to ever change job title, but look for, have a corresponding role, and then, you look at the title and if the title has this certain number of characters or this certain, phrase within it,

– Phrase in it, yeah.

– then you change it to whatever the job role is, and then you can run segmentation based of that.

– Yeah, and I think that’s the important part, on the last one, is, hey, I want to segment my database, ’cause I want to make sure they’re gettin’ relevant messaging, right, not just emailing my, I’m not just, what’d you call it, something in blast?

– Batchin’ blast.

– Bast, say it again, say it again.

– Batchin’ blast.

– It’s beautiful. I’m not just batching and blasting, right.

– Yeah, it’s a synonym.

– I love that, I haven’t heard it but I get it. Yeah, I want to make sure I’m segmenting my audience so that when I email them, for instance, or when I have a new piece of content.

– New piece of content, exactly.

– And I want to get it out to them,

– That’s a huge one.

– I’m giving it to the right people. You don’t want to, you know, you don’t want to hit a technical, the technical person, guy or gal, with something that’s about the economics of your business, right, you want to hit the economic buyer with that.

– 1,000%. So, there’s just data standardization things you can do kind of out the gate that are quick, easy, to get your data into a point where you can start, again, doing something actionable with it, not just like, sending out whatever.

– And again, Moni, I think it starts with knowing, and having the end in mind. So in this case, it’s end of mind is hey, I know that my open rates, click-through rates, my engagement rates are going to be better when I segment.

– 1,000%. I mean, you hit something that is one of my golden rules when creating anything, which is having a goal in mind, because you can really, especially in operations, you can slice things up so many different ways, and go into so many rabbit holes. Have your goal in mind and then work backwards from that, so you don’t just have 1,000 variations of the one thing that you could’ve done. You know what I mean, once over, and now it’s done some rabbit hole to the, milli-second, zip code, degree of location.

– Yeah, ’cause that’s, to your point, that’s where you get into analysis paralysis, keep putting a ton of data, but having a goal in mind, I want to send targeted, or here, I want to improve the engagement rates of my emails. Well, how do I do that? Well, one way to do that is to segment, so you’re offering a personalized message so it’s more relevant to me, more likely to open. Okay, well how do I do that? Well I need to know who the people are. How do I do that? Oh, I got to have standardized job roles,

– Exactly.

– that someone fills out, whether it’s a human, or–

– Human, right or automated.

– Right.

– Exactly. 1,000%

– Cool.

– That’s a golden rule, have a goal in mind. That’s when building campaigns, that’s when building process, that’s anything. Have the goal in mind and work backwards.

– So is there any way to, what do you, like okay, is there any way to kind of automate knowing when the data is an issue?

– That’s a good–

– Like I think of data integrity. So it’s like, so it’s like, hey I know that this custom field, or this field, custom or not, runs these workflows. So you might run a report that says, show me where this–

– You can do like a, so there’s couple of, you can do field completion, so that’s a huge one, how much is this field data populated with this field?

– That’s good, that’s good.

– ‘Cause it’s only if, you only have 20% of zip codes in your database, you’re not going to run segmentation based on that, all right. Or you need to buy data to supplement that, right.

– You need to enrich it, right?

– So that it is definitely it. I want to say, another big one with data integrity’s probably percentage of bounce or percentage of unsubscribe, is a huge one and monitoring that. If you see a huge spike in unsubscribe, that’s a huge red flag, right, you’re doing something wrong. You have huge bounces, that data looks just bad, so wherever you got it from, it’s not good at all. So you want to monitor those two things as well.

– Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, that’s something that, it’s, it’s tough because you have to know what fields are running what workflows or, or automation.

– You do, but again, it shouldn’t be that many, you know what I’m saying? Don’t, if you have 20 segments.

– There’s core stuff, yeah.

– Yeah. Unless you’re a enterprise-level company and that is what’s required of your business, you, again,

– [Both] analysis paralysis.

– Don’t go too far either.

– Yeah, too far, yeah you’re doin’ too much.

– Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep it to

– Yeah that makes sense.

– five, something manageable, unless you have a team, or like I said, you’re a big enterprise company, but once your business unions and stuff, that’s a different story, but.

– Nah, it makes sense. And data, data integrity, because I think you said this on the last one, we have, the whole point of marketing operations is to make sure we’re getting the most out of this technology.

– That’s right.

– And, ’cause we’re paying for it.

– That’s right.

– Paying this, big bucks for this technology and, we want to make sure we’re gettin’ the most out, so that’s kind of, that’s kind of like, I think I asked you this last time, how do I know if marketing ops is doing their job well? Like how do I hold you accountable, right? And the answer was, right, that we’re getting the most out of technology.

– Gettin’ the most out of technology. 1,000%. That is it, and that you can, that you have the ability to track that, is also marketing operations’ biggest responsibility, the ability to measure that in some, whatever the company describes as a shared, metrics for measuring that, but that’s marketing operations’ job, is to like, this is how I show that this is being effective.

– Yeah, right. Yeah I like that, so it’s like, so data integrity, their percentage completion, hey, I know that we’re segmenting based off of this field, well, show me a list of all the contacts in my database that don’t have that filled out.

– Don’t have it, exactly.

– And now, whoever the contact owner is, or signee is, tap ’em on the shoulder, I need you to fill this out.

– I need you to fill this out, or figure out how to get that data quickly, and more seamlessly, and make that part of the process.

– ‘Cause I was thinking, we’re sold this kind of pie in the sky, this dream, oh I’m buying this marketing automation platform, it’s going to solve all– all my–

– Solve all my problems, to generate all this revenue for me. Turn it,

– But instead, it kind of–

– turn it on like a switch, all this revenue comes in.

– Yeah, wee! Right? But that’s not how it works.

– Not how it works at all.

– In fact it kind of could cause more problems, ’cause you realize you may or may not know what you’re doing, or, or the data’s not clean there.

– The data’s not clean, and they, and the gift and the curse of marketing automation systems to there, it’s like any technology, right, the better they get, the more you’re able to do, or the more you’re able to do, if you haven’t done the foundational stuff, none of the other stuff works.

– You can’t build.

– You can’t build on it, right.

– You know, it’s so funny, I had this, this team of, this contractor was renovating my house, right? And I was like, hey man, do you know how to do this? He’s like yeah, yeah, I can do that. I’m like, do you know how to do this? I was thinkin’ ‘about doing the, yeah I can do that. I was like, is there anything in home renovation that you don’t know how to do? He’s like, man, I can do everything except build a home in the sky. And I was like, what? So he’s basically saying, look man, if the house is on a

– [Both] foundation,

– I can do it all. If your foundation’s cracked, if there’s no foundation in the sky so we can’t do anything, so.

– That’s a phenomenal analogy.

– So I though that was kind of cool.

– Yeah. Phenomenal analogy.

– Kind of weirdly ties in. All right, let’s switch topics, not topics, but, I really want to know about attribution. Analytics, measurement, attribution. Anything you have there, I think will be, fantastic, ’cause I, I think, I feel, clamoring for that in the industry.

– Yeah. So, just like everything else in operations, it’s, attribution and analytics is a build too as well. So like I was saying, right, the kind of foundational part of that is establishing what the baseline is, right? You just wouldn’t kind of come in and like, oh, the company wants to make, grow 10 million in revenue, you be like all right, great! See ya later. Like no, what do you have here that establishes that that’s even the right number–

– Yeah, right, that’s a good point.

– to even go off of.

– That’s a good point.

– So, establish baselines is the very first thing. Okay, you have your baseline. Then you want to do what’s called, having KPIs or key performance indicators, normally this is kind of out of the realm of opens and clicks and more in the realm of your funnel management, your MQLs, your SQLs, your opportunities, that sort of thing. And measuring based off those sorts of conversion rates, which is totally fine. If you have another way of measuring that, that’s completely up to you, that’s kind of a standardized industry thing that everyone does. And then kind of, when you get to that part, you sort of realize there’re kind of cracks in that way of measuring things, in the sense of like, the funnel is a normal when you go through it, it’s not linear.

– It’s not. That’s the problem.

– That’s the big issue with that measurement type, basically, ’cause it’s not linear, and then, when that really comes to attribution, people try to apply attribution to it, it’s like, this is not step one, two, three, four, close, opportunity, win. No, it doesn’t work like that. So attribution, yeah.

– I notice that too, just so you know.

– It’s hard, and it’s hard, so, if anyone’s tryna go through it right now and you’re finding it a struggle, you’re not alone, that’s, it’s totally normal, and it’s a hard thing to kind of settle on.

– Especially, I think, in certain industries, where you have a longer sale cycle, or it’s, or you have multiple buyers.

– Buyers, yes.

– Right?

– Huge buying committee.

– Huge buying committee. Then, you know, you try to, try to put some attribution down, and, okay, using last touch model, right? And yeah, they clicked on our ad, and they converted. Well, upon further analysis, that was a retargeting ad, and to be on a retargeting campaign in that audience, you had to’ve been to the site. Well, when did they first come to the site? How’d they first get there? Was it by email, was it organic, was it a paid source or, right. Oh, we don’t have that because they didn’t convert that time, or the window was too far, so, there’s a lot of, I think, we are sole, not sole, I don’t want to say that, it’s not anyone’s fault, but y’know, we think that hey, all this technology, we should be able to know–

– Exactly.

– Right?

– The problem is–

– Pinpoint.

– The problem is we do know, we just don’t like the answer.

– Oh, shoot.

– We know. But yeah, we just don’t like that it’s not in this pretty picture for, a show up to in a dashboard report, right, like it’s all there, so, I mean, we’re running the thing. I run for a cybersecurity company, long sale cycle, huge buying committee, and the biggest thing with attribution is, the person might’ve came in two years ago for webinar, and didn’t actually want to raise their hand to buy something until two years later, right. Again, if I’m doing first touch, what is that, you know what I mean? That’s not really, it’s, yeah, marketing got them in the door but, there was nothing happening there, and then sales is going to pick that up and run with it, so like, so the thing with attribution is, is the models. That’s the huge, what type of model do you want to use for your attribution? Personally, at our company we do, it’s called like a middle model, there’s a bunch of different names for it, but what, we only count the contacts that are attached to actual opportunity, and then their related campaigns.

– Okay, so only when it’s a opportunity, not when it’s, not when it’s pre-opportunity stage.

– Not when it’s pre-opportunity stage. Only ’cause that’s, our organization, we care about opportunity, they don’t, they wouldn’t, if I took that to the board, they wouldn’t care. But it’s a valid metric.

– Right so, but is that because your opportunities stay opportunities for a year, or–

– Yeah, so, when there was a meeting, we create an opportunity.

– Oh, as soon as there’s a meeting you would–

– Soon as there’s a meeting, yeah, we create what’s called a zero-stage, so it doesn’t hit pipeline, but it is an opportunity you’d–

– Okay, so that’s earlier than I thought you were going to say.

– Yeah, no, no, no, we make them early, because our sales guys aren’t going to manage a contact, really, so we make them opportunities to something that they manage.

– All right, that’s fair. So that’s good, that’s actually a little mini kind of hint here, right, it’s like, you need to think about your organization and how your people are going to work. Right, so, you know your sales people are not going to work a contact, they’re going to work an

– [Both] opportunity.

– That’s correct, yes. And I also don’t make them update a million fields in sales force, they update one field. That’s it. To just, there’s a status field, just let me know what you’re doin’ with it, it’s open and progress, qualified, meeting, and then that’s it, that’s all I make you do, and if it is a meeting, you turn it into an opportunity.

– But, so, to that same end of, you’re, okay, now you’re talking about your sales people, and you’re saying, I know that they’re not going to work a contact, they’ll work an opportunity. I know that they’re not going to be in CRM updating all of these fields, so I won’t burden them with that. Let’s talk about marketing though, ’cause I think marketing should be looking at lots of data, big look-back windows, I think they should be looking at first touch and last touch attribution, and as much as in between as they can, right.

– 1,000%.

– Email’s going to be in between usually,

– Oh yeah.

– last touch is usually, well depends all on the, I’m tryna–

– Yeah. No I have some ancillary data around this, so for our company for example, it takes about, on average, about 90 days for you to get from a raw lead to an MQL, and then from a MQL to an opportunity opens, a meeting basically, it’s another 90-ish days. So–

– 180 days has passed.

– Yep, half a, six months, already, just to get you to the meeting, and then we’re talking another 12 months after that once you’re in the opportunity stage to run you through the sale cycle.

– And some happen sooner, some happen.

– 1,000%, 1,000%, but–

– But you looked at the mass, I mean you exported all, or you did something like that.

– I had to, because in that sense, that works backwards into also my fall metrics by how I evaluate the success of my campaigns. I can’t evaluate them on success of three months. It takes six months to get you to this point. So, of saying this thing is a success or a failure, this campaign, is not fair within 30 days, 90 days.

– Thank you. Thank you, I’m praying to the marketing gods, because, one issue I see, especially in sales force campaigns, is that you’ll run a sales force campaign, and that will be, okay, it was this conference we’re going to. So, okay, we got the email list, we emailed them, we did some advertising, we got some contacts that way, and so, a contact will be associated to this campaign, and it’ll later go and it’ll close into a deal, right, an opportunity, and then, become close one, and then we’ll look back and say this campaign generated this much revenue. But if you really dig a little bit deeper, you’ll see that this person, or this contact or this company, they’ve been in the system for longer than that. Way longer, two years, to your point. They just saw a webinar two years ago. So, so now it’s not fair to say this campaign drew–

– Exactly.

– This campaign had a touch, yes. Maybe that was the touch that put ’em over the board, and we should know that, and we should optimize for that, right, but it’s not–

– You can’t give it all the credit. And back to your point about attribution, right, another point of the model, right, so it’s like, who should get part of the credit, and then how do you divvy up your campaigns, and at what stage are you giving credit to? So, I know some of them do like first touch gets 20%, and then last touch gets 30%, and some, you divide the middle up at 50% or whatever, but you can actually see, now we’re adding on another layer of complexity to an already complex model, so if you’re struggling with attribution, don’t feel bad at all.

– And don’t complicate it.

– Don’t complicate it.

– Start with what, the whole point, let’s bring this full circle. We started talking about data management, data integrity. It all comes back to the data, ladies and gentlemen, because, if you, why do we want clean data? We want clean data, I’m answering my own question, sorry, I’m not a good host. Let me ask you, why do we want clean data?

– No, please finish, finish, ’cause I have another point.

– All right, okay. So, we want clean data because we want to use that data to make decisions, right? We want to understand, like if someone comes to me and says, hey, show me our, our attribution, right, they’re not, they don’t, they’re not buying attribution from me, they’re buying a decision that’s going to impact where they move their marketing dollar.

– That’s correct.

– And resources and efforts.

– Absolutely.

– They’re not buying the attribution model, they’re buying the decision.

– Decision, exactly.

– Okay. So, I can’t make that decision without clean data, otherwise I’m making a dirty decision, ’cause dirty data, make a dirty decision. So, we talked about, the technology won’t work, the emails won’t go out, the segmentation won’t work, if the data’s not clean. The same thing happens in attribution. I can’t tell you where to put your money or not put your money or resources, if the data’s not clean.

– If it’s not clean, and if your processes aren’t set up to track it properly, right? Based on the goals that you set for that either individual campaign, or for yourself for the year that matches whatever goal you’re trying to reach. 1,000%. So, again, you can get to a lot of these things, too, by digging in and not having to have the most accurate, 1,000% attribution model, as well, right? Do, what I did, I took at couple of opportunities and did a buyer’s journey on ’em. It gave me

– There you, bravo.

– way more information than trying to figure some complicated attribution model. Just take two and work ’em backwards and see what happen. I know a guy, came from a trade show, he actually referenced us to another person within his company, where does that handle, where did that go? Went to a couple of webinars, it took over a year, he engaged in some white papers, still stayed in breath, but he went dark within that whole thing, came back again, signed up for another event, and it’s all over the, all over the place.

– But what you did Moni, let me just tell you, let me, for what I heard you do. You took, let’s just say, one deal. You said okay, this deal has these three contacts on it. I’m going to look at these three contacts under a microscope, see what they did. Okay, one of ’em came from trade show, one of ’em came–

– Webinar.

– from webinar, one of ’em came from offline sources because the other one

– [Both] referred him,

– okay.

– exactly.

– So then, now you’re starting to build a little model in your head. Hey, do webinars actually work? Then you go in the system and say, let me see all contacts who’ve ever come from webinar. Has any of those driven to a lead?

– A lead, exactly.

– Okay, let me see all people who came from a trade show, if any one of those turned into an opportunity. Now you start, asking questions.

– Ask questions, and making patterns themselves, and then what we realized it, nurture campaigns are great for continuing education and keeping us kind of relevant top of mind, webinars are actually good for converting things over, trade shows are good leads in, but they, that’s about it, they’re good for getting leads, you know what I mean? And so a lot of it ends up being like common, that makes sense.

– And so now when you go measure a trade show, you’re not measuring by how many dollars you made from that trade show, you’re measuring how many net new names.

– Net new names I got, exactly, ’cause that’s my goal now, and my goal now, and my goal for that

– That’s your goal.

– is not revenue, ’cause it’s not

– You set the goal.

– a revenue thing.

– Oh my god, I want to hug you. Want to hug it out?

– Let’s hug it out.

– It’s so good, it’s so good. ‘Cause that’s back to your point of setting the goal. Now I know that, when I go to trade shows, that’s my goal,

– That’s my goal.

– and you can’t hold me accountable to revenue when that’s, y’know.

– That’s not the purpose of what we’re tryna do here.

– Oh my god, I’m havin’ too much fun. All right, for the sake of this, for the sake of time in this episode, let’s–

– We ended so beautifully, we got to, come on.

– It’s part three, part three’s in the making.

– Exactly! Exactly.

– This is part two, we’ll do part three.

– Exactly.

– Moni Oloyede, such a cool name, such a pleasure talking to you as always, I think the one thing we can take away is like data integrity, data management.

– Yes, it’s key.

– It’s key. It runs everything.

– It runs everything.

– In all your platforms, so, you do nothing else, go ask, hey, is my data clean?

– Yes.

– Start runnin’ some reports.

– Start running some reports, start diggin’ in, just export in cell file and see what you get, see what’s in there.

– See what’s in there.

– Yeah.

– Or what’s not in there.

– Or what’s not in there, yeah, and how ugly it is, how bad it is.

– And, and how much enrichment you need.

– Exactly.

– Cool. All right you all, thank you Moni for being here, like, subscribe, share. Again, first episode is number 20 with Moni, so go check that one out if you are at this point in this one, we talk about some relative stuff, maybe some overlap, maybe not, doesn’t matter. It’s all fun, all fun and games.

– Part three comin’.

– Part three on it’s way. Thank you all, see you next time. Cheers.

Moni Oloyede

Moni OloyedeMarketing Ops Specialist

Arsham Mirshah

Arsham MirshahCEO & Co-Founder

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