Web Design

Wizards, Calculators & Quizzes

We design and develop engaging and converting experiences through wizards, calculators, and quizzes.

Zelis – Savings Calculator

Zelis wanted to help their clients calculate how much they could get when switching from a manual payments system to their payment platform. WebMechanix created a clear, intuitive calculator that gets right to the point and demonstrates the savings potential of Zelis for healthcare payers.

Bluesight – Gap Analysis Wizard

Bluesight wanted to create an interactive experience to help pharmacies optimize their drug purchasing processes & learn how their technology can help. WebMechanix developed a Gap Analysis evaluation tool that delivers a scorecard evaluation and personalized recommendations for BlueSight’s prospective customers.

WMX – Strategy Generator

Ever wonder what digital marketing strategies would work for your business? WebMechanix created a dynamic strategy generator via HubSpot that gives customized guidance on the best digital marketing approach for your business.

Let’s talk!

Have an idea for a wizard or calculator? Reach out! We're here to help.

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