How To Explode B2B Conversion Rates with Empathy and Love | Chris Mechanic at Digital Summit 2019

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Our CEO, Chris Mechanic, gives a speech at Digital Summit 2019 on how to improve conversion rates with empathy and love.


Digital summit, what’s up?

[00:00:14.06] I realize that I’m the only thing

[00:00:16.00] standing between you and a cocktail,

[00:00:17.03] so I’m gonna make this quick and dirty.

[00:00:19.08] But it’s gonna be useful for you.

[00:00:23.01] So I’m Chris Mechanic.

[00:00:24.00] I’m co founder and CEO at WebMechanix.

[00:00:27.02] We’re a performance based marketing firm,

[00:00:29.02] we do a lot of search
a lot of web analytics

[00:00:31.04] with a deep technical expertise.

[00:00:35.04] So essentially, I’m a growth hacker.

[00:00:37.02] At the end of the day,
I’m a growth hacker.

[00:00:38.08] I am very technical myself.

[00:00:41.01] I know how to write a good headline.

[00:00:42.06] I know how to drive traffic.

[00:00:44.06] I know basically, how to
build businesses online.

[00:00:48.06] And I don’t love the term
growth hacker, but it is,

[00:00:51.05] fairly descriptive of
what it is that I do.

[00:00:54.02] And in building businesses,
there’s a lot of things

[00:00:57.08] that are important, but one
of the most important things

[00:01:00.05] that’s not often talked
about is conversion,

[00:01:04.09] which is the art and science

[00:01:07.02] of getting human website visitors to act,

[00:01:12.01] to buy something, to fill out
a form, or request a callback.

[00:01:17.05] And the unfortunate
fact is that ironically,

[00:01:20.09] many of us lack

[00:01:23.01] much tact

[00:01:24.04] when it comes to

[00:01:27.00] the idea and the act of
getting human visitors to act.

[00:01:32.01] We’re all interested in trends

[00:01:35.03] and tips and tactics and hacks.

[00:01:38.03] But we often fail to ask about
the most important thing,

[00:01:43.04] which is the human on the
other side of the screen.

[00:01:47.04] So our landing pages in
our funnels fall flat,

[00:01:51.03] they lack impact, because
we’re all doing the same thing

[00:01:57.01] and it’s no longer working.

[00:02:00.05] Download my white paper, smack!

[00:02:03.02] Fill out this form with nine fields.

[00:02:06.01] Register for my webinar, bang!

[00:02:09.02] Social security number, please?

[00:02:13.00] It’s funny to say, but
this is exactly the way

[00:02:15.08] that some of us go about
our day, building traffic,

[00:02:20.02] driving traffic into funnels,

[00:02:21.09] acquiring users and building lists.

[00:02:25.08] It’s like where’s the
humanity in all this?

[00:02:29.05] Just think about the language that we use

[00:02:32.00] building lists driving traffic

[00:02:34.06] into our funnels and our
squeeze pages, it’s combative.

[00:02:40.02] It sounds almost as if we’re

[00:02:43.04] herding cattle, or preparing for battle

[00:02:47.03] getting ready to pillage
on some villages, isn’t it?

[00:02:52.07] The fact is,

[00:02:55.05] language creates reality.

[00:02:58.02] And the reality is this
is that we’re all doing

[00:03:00.08] the same thing and it’s no longer working.

[00:03:05.07] We’re driving traffic into these funnels

[00:03:08.02] and the squeeze pages.

[00:03:09.06] Average landing page
conversion rate is 5%,

[00:03:13.08] 5%!

[00:03:15.04] Considering all the time
and the money spent,

[00:03:19.01] considering the extent to
which we analyze and segment

[00:03:23.01] and target by intent
and customized content

[00:03:27.00] and verify consent and track
and optimize on micro events,

[00:03:31.01] 5%?

[00:03:34.05] Something must be wrong.

[00:03:37.05] Maybe it’s the lighting,
maybe it’s the song.

[00:03:42.01] But the fact is, something’s wrong folks.

[00:03:46.07] Now,

[00:03:49.01] forgot the rest of this song.

[00:03:52.00] So excuse me while I
consult my notes here.

[00:03:59.05] Maybe it’s the lighting, maybe it’s song.

[00:04:01.09] Or maybe it’s that this
traffic that we’re driving,

[00:04:06.09] these users that we wish to
acquire, are distinctly human.

[00:04:13.02] And they’re wired with
feelings and emotions

[00:04:17.08] and thoughts, but we treat
them almost like they’re bots.

[00:04:22.09] So maybe the secret to conversion

[00:04:25.07] experiences that fit like a glove,

[00:04:28.05] is infusing that experience
with some empathy and love.

[00:04:35.05] Thank you very much.

[00:04:36.09] (audience laughing)

[00:04:38.03] (audience clapping)

[00:04:45.01] Love, folks.

[00:04:47.01] Love you, remember Levi.

[00:04:50.02] It’s all about that love.

[00:04:51.05] Now, what is it that we’re all doing?

[00:04:55.00] What is it that we’re all
doing that doesn’t work?

[00:04:57.00] And I almost guarantee you
everybody in this room,

[00:05:00.06] does this including us
with many of our clients,

[00:05:04.01] and it’s not our fault

[00:05:06.03] because the best practices
that we’ve been taught

[00:05:09.02] by the likes of IBM Watson,

[00:05:11.07] the smartest machine learning mechanism,

[00:05:14.06] has still not figured this out.

[00:05:16.04] They’re doing this thing,
register for my webinar, bang!

[00:05:19.05] Nine form fields, very
small amount of value.

[00:05:24.08] Consider, the user has clicked
on something very specific,

[00:05:28.03] and they’re greeted with
this, a tiny bit of value,

[00:05:31.09] and a whole bunch of form fields

[00:05:34.07] asking for very specific information

[00:05:37.07] that is not in any way related
to this webinar at hand.

[00:05:41.02] Job title

[00:05:42.00] and boom, sales force.

[00:05:45.03] These are mammoth companies.

[00:05:47.07] And it’s not our fault for
wanting to follow them,

[00:05:51.07] they’re the best practice leaders.

[00:05:53.07] And then look at this aim, okay?

[00:05:56.02] They’re driving their
traffic into these funnels

[00:05:59.06] to convert on these long forms.

[00:06:03.03] It’s like who are we even talking about?

[00:06:05.08] Like, are we talking about humans?

[00:06:08.02] Just listen to the
language that we’re using.

[00:06:11.07] Now, to illustrate this,

[00:06:13.07] I wanna basically take this offline.

[00:06:17.04] Just imagine that we’re
offline, we’re humans.

[00:06:21.06] And at the end of the day,
a landing page is a sale,

[00:06:24.09] it’s a micro sale.

[00:06:26.08] And many of our human
interactions are also micro sales.

[00:06:31.08] Daniel Pink, I think, wrote a nice book.

[00:06:35.01] To sell is human.

[00:06:36.09] A lot of the interactions
that we have are human.

[00:06:39.07] Where are gonna go for dinner, babe?

[00:06:43.00] I want Mexican.

[00:06:44.01] Well, I was thinking Italian, okay.

[00:06:47.01] That’s like a little sale.

[00:06:48.07] But let’s take this completely offline.

[00:06:51.03] And let’s think about a sale.

[00:06:53.06] That one of the most important
sales that people make,

[00:06:56.05] particularly men make in their life,

[00:06:59.03] which is acquiring a spouse or a mate.

[00:07:04.00] So I’m a guy, right?

[00:07:06.07] Let’s say that I’m not online,

[00:07:09.00] let’s say that I’m in a club
or a bar, and here I am.

[00:07:13.02] (upbeat music)

[00:07:16.02] Okay, I see somebody that I
like I wanna talk to them.

[00:07:19.09] Now I’m gonna take the approach

[00:07:21.03] that we’re taking online right
now I’m gonna go up and say.

[00:07:24.06] (clicking)

[00:07:27.05] Hey, party thing.

[00:07:29.00] (clicking)

[00:07:31.05] A small amount of value, right?

[00:07:33.08] Superficial compliment.

[00:07:35.06] I’m gonna say.

[00:07:36.06] (clicking)

[00:07:37.04] Let me get that first name, last name,

[00:07:39.08] email address, phone number,

[00:07:43.05] dash separated, no
parentheses, please, 10 digits.

[00:07:49.04] Is that gonna work?

[00:07:50.03] Probably not.

[00:07:51.05] For the purposes of research,

[00:07:52.09] I’ve actually tested
this pretty extensively,

[00:07:55.06] and I had a conversion rate
of exactly zero percent.

[00:07:59.03] Literally zero percent.

[00:08:01.02] But what would you do?

[00:08:02.06] Right?

[00:08:03.04] What you would do in
real life is the same.

[00:08:06.05] (upbeat music)

[00:08:07.05] But then you would spark a conversation,

[00:08:10.00] you would create some
contextual relevancy,

[00:08:11.09] you would comment on something

[00:08:12.09] that’s happening in the environment.

[00:08:14.08] You might crack a joke or tell a story

[00:08:17.05] or otherwise build rapport.

[00:08:19.08] And then you have a much better chance

[00:08:21.06] of collecting that users information,

[00:08:25.05] right?

[00:08:28.07] So essentially, we’ve
got it exactly backwards.

[00:08:31.04] We’ve got it 100% backwards,

[00:08:34.04] we need to flip this
whole thing on its ears,

[00:08:38.02] because the order of information matters.

[00:08:43.04] If I say a sentence to you, or
if I say a paragraph to you,

[00:08:47.00] and there’s multiple sentences
and then you start flipping

[00:08:48.08] the order of the sentences,
it changes things.

[00:08:51.03] So we’ve got it essentially
exactly backwards

[00:08:53.07] and it’s not our fault,

[00:08:55.00] we’re following best
practices that Salesforce

[00:08:57.03] and friggin IBM Watson are using
and maybe it works for them

[00:09:01.04] because they have that brand recognition.

[00:09:03.00] But if you’re a smaller player,

[00:09:04.08] you gotta be a little bit more tactful

[00:09:08.07] in how you go about doing things.

[00:09:10.06] So what I’m gonna show you
guys right now is first,

[00:09:14.01] a handful of just general best practices.

[00:09:17.00] I’ve designed this in such
a way that I’m assuming

[00:09:19.04] that you don’t have robust
design or development teams

[00:09:23.01] that have nothing to do.

[00:09:24.06] I designed it in such a
way that it’s accessible

[00:09:29.04] for the everyday, folks.

[00:09:32.05] So here’s some easy things
that you can do right now.

[00:09:35.04] First of all, feel a sense of love,

[00:09:39.07] and empathy.

[00:09:41.05] And I know that this is probably
the fluffiest sounding shit

[00:09:44.06] that you’ve heard all day.

[00:09:47.00] And myself in a prior lifetime,
I was an affiliate marketer,

[00:09:51.04] just kind of borderline gray hat,

[00:09:54.00] I’m like a reformed gray hat.

[00:09:56.04] So if I was sitting where you’re sitting

[00:09:58.02] and I saw somebody put this feel

[00:09:59.06] of sense of love and
empathy up on the screen,

[00:10:02.03] I would literally like boo
them and walk out of the room.

[00:10:06.06] But the fact is that your mindset matters

[00:10:09.05] and that the place that
you’re coming from matters.

[00:10:12.05] So if you’re coming from
this pressured place

[00:10:14.07] of like I have to
increase conversion rates,

[00:10:17.05] I have to really drive that cattle,

[00:10:22.06] I have to send them to my
squeeze pages and my funnels,

[00:10:25.02] then it comes out in
one way but the essence

[00:10:28.05] of what somebody is trying to say

[00:10:30.03] really comes out and shines through.

[00:10:32.07] So if nothing else, if you
can feel a sense of love

[00:10:35.04] and empathy, just imagine that
the person on the other side

[00:10:38.02] of the screen is your mom
or your dad or a loved one.

[00:10:42.04] And that is gonna reflect
itself in your copy,

[00:10:45.06] it’s gonna reflect itself in your choices,

[00:10:47.04] it’s gonna reflect itself in
the way that you structure

[00:10:50.09] and frame these offers.

[00:10:52.02] So if you just come from a
place of love and empathy,

[00:10:55.04] that’s a big part of the battle.

[00:10:59.02] Of course you wanna limit form fields.

[00:11:01.04] There’s studies that have been done

[00:11:03.05] and tests that show
users are getting smart,

[00:11:06.02] people are getting smart
at the end of the day.

[00:11:08.06] And when you click on an
ad for something specific

[00:11:11.03] that you’re interested in, and
immediately a page loads up

[00:11:14.07] where there’s a visible form,
I know it happens to you guys,

[00:11:17.06] because you’re savvy users,
there’s some part of you

[00:11:20.08] that just shuts down.

[00:11:22.00] And you automatically know
I’m not filling out this form.

[00:11:26.04] Look at this, our
designer had fun with this

[00:11:28.02] it actually has a field
for social security number,

[00:11:31.08] current marital status, shoe size,

[00:11:34.07] and it’s just like a little
poke of fun, a little parody.

[00:11:38.05] But we’re asking for a
whole lot of information

[00:11:41.00] we’re not giving before we get in any way,

[00:11:44.07] and we wonder why our
conversion rates are 5%.

[00:11:47.06] By the way, 5% conversion rates

[00:11:49.08] or even 10% conversion rates,

[00:11:51.04] I don’t consider that good.

[00:11:54.00] I mean, can you imagine there’s probably

[00:11:55.03] like 100 people in this room.

[00:11:57.06] If after this we asked

[00:12:00.09] show of hands, who enjoyed this?

[00:12:03.07] And only five of you raise your hand,

[00:12:06.01] I’ll be pretty disappointed by that.

[00:12:08.08] But we accept that in the digital world.

[00:12:11.08] And it’s just a common
fact that everybody accepts

[00:12:15.04] and I don’t really understand why.

[00:12:19.09] So here’s a big one.

[00:12:21.06] And I’m gonna show you some
examples right after this,

[00:12:23.09] but you wanna ask relevant questions.

[00:12:26.08] So I’m interested in your HR software.

[00:12:29.06] My job title, my company,
the size of my company

[00:12:32.04] is not as relevant as how
many employees I have,

[00:12:36.09] whether my employees are 1099, or W2s,

[00:12:40.05] how I tend to pay the employees?

[00:12:42.06] How long they tend to stay?

[00:12:44.01] There’s a lot of relevant
questions that can be asked

[00:12:47.05] other than just going
straight for the jugular

[00:12:49.07] and getting give me the information
that I need to sell you.

[00:12:53.05] So in these examples, you’re gonna see

[00:12:55.02] that there’s no visible form on the page.

[00:12:58.02] And it always starts
with relevant questions.

[00:13:01.05] And on the same token, up
change order the questions of,

[00:13:07.04] does that make any sense anybody?

[00:13:09.09] Change up the order of questions.

[00:13:12.04] Syntax matters, order matters.

[00:13:15.08] If I walk up to you, and I say,

[00:13:18.02] “Excuse me, sorry to bother you.

[00:13:20.00] “My name is Chris, I just
have a quick question.”

[00:13:23.01] That’s one thing, but
if I walk up and say,

[00:13:24.05] “Hey, I have a quick question.”

[00:13:27.00] And then I asked you the question

[00:13:28.01] without first excusing myself, it matters.

[00:13:32.05] Preempt concerns and set expectations.

[00:13:34.09] In this day and age with
privacy with big data

[00:13:39.01] with GDPR with all these things,

[00:13:42.05] people aren’t dumb, people get it.

[00:13:44.06] And they’re hyper conscious
of privacy in their head.

[00:13:49.01] So just imagine when you’re sitting

[00:13:51.08] in your place of empathy and love,

[00:13:55.08] what are the potential
concerns that the person

[00:13:58.07] on the other side of
the screen might have?

[00:14:00.08] Such as what’s gonna happen
after I fill out this form?

[00:14:05.04] Is my data safe?

[00:14:07.09] Those are two big ones.

[00:14:09.03] So if on your main landing
pages you’re not preemptively

[00:14:12.08] addressing these concerns,

[00:14:14.06] then you’re leaving money on the table.

[00:14:20.00] Now here’s another big one,

[00:14:21.06] and it’s not so much regarding
top of the funnel conversion

[00:14:26.00] where it’s converting

[00:14:28.05] a cold visitor into a lead,

[00:14:31.00] but it’s more so about
converting leads into sales

[00:14:34.00] like the more down funnel conversions,

[00:14:36.07] the number one

[00:14:38.03] most underutilized page in existence.

[00:14:42.07] You probably know what it is.

[00:14:45.00] Most underutilized.

[00:14:46.03] It’s the one moment in time
where you can be almost certain

[00:14:50.05] that you have this users attention.

[00:14:54.00] And the vast majority of
marketers are just squandering

[00:14:57.02] this opportunity, is the thank you page.

[00:15:00.09] So the thank you page right
at that zero moment of truth,

[00:15:05.02] right after this user gives
you all of their information

[00:15:09.03] and they’re expecting something,
the worst thing you can do

[00:15:12.09] is like not even confirm
that you received it.

[00:15:16.09] Have you ever seen forms that are just

[00:15:20.07] there’s no confirmation,

[00:15:21.09] there’s no communication with the system,

[00:15:23.08] there’s just no

[00:15:26.08] thought.

[00:15:28.02] So depending on the goal of the page,

[00:15:31.06] if it’s subscribing for a newsletter,

[00:15:34.00] you might display other related content

[00:15:37.04] that they might enjoy.

[00:15:38.07] If it’s downloading an E book the same.

[00:15:41.02] If it’s requesting a sales
call back or a demo form,

[00:15:46.08] you might use that opportunity to

[00:15:50.09] show some frequently asked questions

[00:15:52.08] or otherwise preempt some concerns.

[00:15:55.03] Let people know look, if
it’s a fit, it’s a fit,

[00:15:58.05] we’ll do some business, if it’s not

[00:16:00.04] we’re not gonna hound you
for the rest of your life.

[00:16:03.03] Raise your hand if you get
like 15 spam phone calls

[00:16:07.03] a day like I do.

[00:16:09.07] Yeah, so people, so you guys get it,

[00:16:12.08] people are concerned that
when they’re filling out,

[00:16:15.05] is part of the reason they
don’t fill out the form,

[00:16:16.09] they’re concerned that
they’re gonna just incessantly

[00:16:19.02] get calls, and of course, you guys

[00:16:21.01] are not gonna incessantly
call them if they say to you,

[00:16:23.07] “Hey, this is kind of interesting,

[00:16:25.03] “but I’m not that into it.”

[00:16:27.02] You’re probably gonna stop calling

[00:16:28.06] because you have better things to do.

[00:16:31.02] So think about that thank you page,

[00:16:33.03] because that thank you page is the moment

[00:16:35.09] where you can either deepen a relationship

[00:16:38.03] and dramatically increase the chances

[00:16:41.01] of a lead matriculating into a sale.

[00:16:44.01] Or you can invoke buyer’s remorse,

[00:16:46.08] right there on that thank you page.

[00:16:48.02] And you can be certain
that people are looking

[00:16:50.04] at that thank You page.

[00:16:54.06] All right, y’all ready to see
some of our recent winners

[00:17:01.07] Let’s get some drinks in here.

[00:17:03.04] (audience laughing)

[00:17:04.03] Long,

[00:17:06.00] bring a beer bong or something.

[00:17:09.03] All right, here’s some recent winners.

[00:17:12.05] So, this was the original version,

[00:17:15.07] and it wasn’t converting too poorly,

[00:17:17.04] it was like about nine and
a half percent conversion

[00:17:19.05] from click to lead,

[00:17:22.02] and leads matriculated
into sales at like 35%.

[00:17:25.04] And this was your typical landing page.

[00:17:27.04] This is exactly the thing

[00:17:28.05] that we’re saying basically not to do.

[00:17:30.05] In this case, it was working fairly well,

[00:17:32.01] I think the targeting was well set.

[00:17:34.03] And it was working fairly well.

[00:17:36.02] But the client needed to
generate revenue at 10% of sale.

[00:17:41.08] So between fees and ad spend,

[00:17:43.08] they couldn’t spend
more than 10% of a sale

[00:17:46.04] in order to generate revenue.

[00:17:47.09] And this wasn’t cutting the mustard

[00:17:49.09] so we had to do something different.

[00:17:51.05] So we switched this up to an experience

[00:17:54.07] where this was the first
screen that you would see.

[00:17:57.04] So the copy is largely the same

[00:18:01.02] you’ll notice there is a countdown timer,

[00:18:03.00] which is legit like that
was actually an offer.

[00:18:05.07] But instead of saying what’s your name,

[00:18:07.07] and what’s your email, it
started asking questions

[00:18:11.06] about the issue at hand.

[00:18:13.02] This client was in the window
and door replacement space.

[00:18:17.02] So you search for, replacement windows,

[00:18:20.06] there’s something going on,

[00:18:21.07] there’s a conversation to be had.

[00:18:23.05] So you’ll notice this one
starts with what issues

[00:18:26.04] are you having with your experience

[00:18:28.03] or with your windows currently?

[00:18:30.09] And they can select all,

[00:18:32.04] this experience converted at nearly,

[00:18:35.06] or just over 15% on the front end,

[00:18:38.03] so 50% improvement in
front end conversions

[00:18:42.02] and similar improvements on the back end,

[00:18:45.00] because people when they engage

[00:18:47.07] in this kind of experience online,

[00:18:49.08] it’s almost like a conversation.

[00:18:51.03] It’s almost like they’ve
invested to some extent,

[00:18:54.06] into this experience, and they expect you

[00:18:57.02] on the back end to
remember that information

[00:19:01.00] and to use that information.

[00:19:03.04] So this was a huge moneymaker.

[00:19:06.01] Here’s another one.

[00:19:07.03] This client also B2C

[00:19:09.03] they’re in the debt consolidation space.

[00:19:11.09] Now previously, they had a landing page

[00:19:13.09] which similarly converted around 7%.

[00:19:16.04] This one converted at 22% into
calls and watch what happens.

[00:19:21.03] So this is what they see.

[00:19:23.04] I’m not sure how easily you can see it,

[00:19:24.09] but some of the copy
is is very intentional,

[00:19:27.09] tells you about what you’re gonna get,

[00:19:29.05] it assuages some concerns but
watch this is a little video

[00:19:35.01] so that the cursor you can see

[00:19:37.01] so you choose your debt amount,

[00:19:38.06] do you struggle making
your monthly payments?

[00:19:41.04] Yes or no?

[00:19:42.07] Next step, do you have a
source of income Yes or no?

[00:19:49.00] This is what we call starting
the sales process online.

[00:19:52.07] If somebody calls you,

[00:19:54.09] maybe you’ll ask for their
first name, last name,

[00:19:56.08] email in case we get
disconnected, blazah blazeh,

[00:19:59.06] but the questions that you
actually have to ask somebody

[00:20:02.05] in order to give them a quote
or to move them forward,

[00:20:06.03] you can do that right online and increase

[00:20:09.08] top of funnel lead conversion

[00:20:11.01] as well as the rate at which leads

[00:20:15.03] convert.

[00:20:18.04] This one’s similar B2C,

[00:20:20.06] they’re in the health and wellness space,

[00:20:22.01] they focus on weight loss and
hormone replacement therapy,

[00:20:26.02] converting pitifully like less
than 1% with the standard,

[00:20:31.02] this one converted at like
three or 4% on the top line,

[00:20:35.04] which is still pretty low,
but market improvement

[00:20:39.05] and you can see how it works.

[00:20:41.04] See at the bottom, it shows you

[00:20:44.00] how far along you are in the process.

[00:20:46.02] It’s asking you relevant questions.

[00:20:49.00] And there’s one important
thing that’s happening

[00:20:52.00] behind the scenes that I
want you guys to understand

[00:20:55.02] is that behind the scenes,

[00:20:57.03] this is hooked into Google Analytics

[00:21:00.03] and HubSpot in this case,
which the slide was using,

[00:21:03.09] but it can be done on
Makedo or what have you.

[00:21:07.03] And as users are making these selections,

[00:21:10.06] we’re firing little

[00:21:13.04] events, little JavaScript
events within Google Analytics.

[00:21:17.05] Some people will begin this
process and still bail.

[00:21:21.07] And in those cases, we would
typically re target them.

[00:21:25.03] Now we have a very rich
source of information

[00:21:28.06] with which to re target them.

[00:21:30.05] So for instance, the first question was,

[00:21:32.01] are you male or female?

[00:21:33.09] Now somebody selects male for instance,

[00:21:36.09] and then abandons the
process before completing it.

[00:21:40.02] We can still get back in front
of them with retargeting ads,

[00:21:44.01] where we’re relatively certain
that they are indeed male.

[00:21:49.01] Some people lie, that’s
the fact of the matter.

[00:21:53.03] Another one, this is a B2B

[00:21:55.06] specialized financial services firm.

[00:22:00.04] Deals in the unclaimed property
space, very specific thing,

[00:22:03.07] you see an ad for this unclaimed property,

[00:22:06.05] all of their competitors,
literally all of them greet you

[00:22:09.05] with that big old form.

[00:22:11.03] We decided to buck the trend,

[00:22:13.05] this convert at 12% on the front end

[00:22:15.08] and some like 47% on the back end.

[00:22:19.02] But you’ll see there’s no visible form,

[00:22:21.06] it’s not asking for any information.

[00:22:24.02] There’s just a small amount of copy.

[00:22:26.01] It’s not a squeeze page.

[00:22:27.06] So the user can submit other things.

[00:22:31.04] But it goes through the same process.

[00:22:33.06] Are you to ask questions
about the matter at hand?

[00:22:38.02] And similarly, tracking
events and getting back

[00:22:41.04] in front of the non converters

[00:22:43.00] with relevant retargeting ads.

[00:22:48.05] Another B2B example.

[00:22:50.07] This one converts double digits,
I don’t remember exactly,

[00:22:54.03] I think it’s around 15%

[00:22:56.01] versus like roughly 7% on the main one.

[00:22:58.08] This is a commercial Wi Fi provider.

[00:23:02.01] And similarly, so it’s
not it’s not complex.

[00:23:06.08] The way that we build them internally,

[00:23:08.07] it does take some design
and development resources.

[00:23:11.01] But there’s a lot of
tools that you can use

[00:23:13.08] to spin these types of
experiences up on the fly

[00:23:17.04] without much in the way of resources,

[00:23:20.02] which I’ll show you here in just a second.

[00:23:26.03] Another one, B2B IT services.

[00:23:30.00] So the IT app saving calculator

[00:23:33.01] this one’s kind of interesting because

[00:23:37.05] the extent to which you can actually offer

[00:23:40.02] something of value, which this client did

[00:23:42.04] based on the selections is the extent

[00:23:44.07] to which is really useful.

[00:23:46.07] How many engineers do you have?

[00:23:48.01] What’s the fully burden staff?

[00:23:50.00] you’ll notice the imagery,
it kind of looks good,

[00:23:53.07] it kind of looks appealing.

[00:23:56.04] And these selections,
this particular client,

[00:23:58.08] these selections were actually used

[00:24:01.05] in some report that was generated.

[00:24:04.01] So if you can pull that off,

[00:24:06.00] like if you can actually
generate a custom report

[00:24:08.02] or actually generate a custom quote

[00:24:09.06] or something based on the
selections, it’s even better.

[00:24:13.03] But you can see here the results are in.

[00:24:15.09] There’s these little tool tips

[00:24:17.04] that in case you want more information.

[00:24:22.07] And it just worked really, really well

[00:24:24.04] compared to the hard sell

[00:24:27.06] straight for the jugular style

[00:24:30.06] that we’ve all been kind of
convinced as best practice.

[00:24:39.04] Then here’s one that we
use ourselves actually.

[00:24:42.04] This is basically to generate
leads for advertising.

[00:24:46.07] So you’ll notice no visible form,

[00:24:50.05] runs right into this useful experience

[00:24:53.09] that’s designed for humans by humans.

[00:24:57.05] Asking relevant questions

[00:24:59.09] and then leading up ultimately to

[00:25:04.06] the sales proposition.

[00:25:06.09] So do you see how this
is very much similar

[00:25:11.00] to actual real human interaction?

[00:25:13.04] And you see how for some reason,

[00:25:14.09] just because it’s on the
web, we’re doing things

[00:25:18.07] in a way that just clashes
with human psychology.

[00:25:21.08] So if you wanna take
those 5% conversion rates

[00:25:24.02] and make them 10%, or
15%, we have to align

[00:25:28.02] with the human user and we
have to give before we get,

[00:25:32.04] at least to some extent.

[00:25:38.06] So now about five minutes left.

[00:25:41.02] There’s a lot of other marketers

[00:25:42.05] that are already hip to this game.

[00:25:46.09] And you’ll notice as you leave here today,

[00:25:49.01] you’ll notice a lot of
these Silicon Valley,

[00:25:51.06] a lot of the apps, a lot of the startups

[00:25:53.05] they’re all hip to this
game, they all do this.

[00:25:56.01] You can see it on

[00:25:58.08] So if you go to,

[00:26:01.06] you’ll see a very similar thing
where they’re going through,

[00:26:04.06] they’re asking, relevant
questions that are non PII.

[00:26:08.07] They warm you up, they invoke
the law of click commitment.

[00:26:12.02] And then they ultimately gather

[00:26:14.03] the information that they need.

[00:26:16.00] But it’s in an unselfish
way which first accommodates

[00:26:19.08] for the user and their needs
and then for their own needs.

[00:26:23.03] Truly a lot of these real estate apps

[00:26:25.06] are very, very good at this.

[00:26:27.09] They, largely do it based off of location.

[00:26:31.06] So that’s a really good way to do it.

[00:26:35.04] This one was an interesting
one from Unbounds

[00:26:39.02] at

[00:26:42.06] this is actually a little

[00:26:43.07] sort of a chat bot like experience,

[00:26:46.05] which is very much in line
with what we’re talking about.

[00:26:48.07] So chatbots,

[00:26:51.05] are all the ridge, they
essentially do this very same thing

[00:26:55.05] they engage you in a conversation

[00:26:57.01] before asking for something else,

[00:26:58.09] it’s not exactly rocket science.

[00:27:01.04] And then here’s an
interesting one

[00:27:03.04] I think this one may have been
acquired actually by HubSpot,

[00:27:06.04] so I’m not sure if that exists anymore.

[00:27:09.05] But there are a few tools
that you should know about.

[00:27:13.06] So well first and foremost,

[00:27:15.08] how many people are running
human centered experiences

[00:27:19.06] like this right now?

[00:27:20.09] We’re starting with non
personally identifiable info

[00:27:24.00] and then proceed into the sales
info, just by show of hands.

[00:27:30.04] (laughing)

[00:27:32.07] Okay, very good.

[00:27:35.02] So this is good.

[00:27:36.00] So you guys can all go implement this.

[00:27:37.02] So let me give you a couple of tips.

[00:27:41.03] So grab a pen or a piece of paper

[00:27:43.04] if you wanna write these down

[00:27:44.02] because I don’t have
actually slides for them.

[00:27:47.01] But one of the go to, tools
for us is called Hotjar.

[00:27:52.03] Raise your hand if you use Hotjar.

[00:27:54.08] Yeah, so Hotjar super robust.

[00:27:57.01] We’ve tested it against
Crazy Egg and Lucky Orange

[00:28:00.01] and all these types of things.

[00:28:01.06] The most interesting feature of Hotjar

[00:28:04.02] is that it gives you the
ability to spin up polls

[00:28:08.01] and user surveys on the fly.

[00:28:10.06] So voice of customer actually hearing

[00:28:13.08] what customers have to
say, is like the holy grail

[00:28:17.00] because they’ll tell you
exactly what they’re thinking.

[00:28:19.05] And it’s not necessarily
a good way to come up

[00:28:21.02] with like a new innovative idea,

[00:28:23.02] but a lot of times there
are barriers to conversion,

[00:28:27.00] that might be technical,

[00:28:28.03] that might be informationally related.

[00:28:30.04] But grab Hotjar, toss
up a poll, which says,

[00:28:34.09] What’s the purpose of your visit?

[00:28:36.04] Question, one, allow people to answer

[00:28:39.02] long form in a text box.

[00:28:41.04] Regardless of answer question two,

[00:28:43.08] were you able to accomplish that goal?

[00:28:45.06] Yes or no?

[00:28:46.07] If yes, have a nice day.

[00:28:48.06] If no, what prevented
you from achieving that?

[00:28:51.06] Another open form text box.

[00:28:53.08] You will be Mind blown by the answers,

[00:28:56.00] a lot of times it’s technical,
sometimes it’s informational.

[00:28:58.05] Sometimes there’s a specific question

[00:29:00.00] that they have that’s unanswered

[00:29:02.02] but Hotjar surveys and polls
are, are very, very powerful.

[00:29:07.04] Typeform, T-Y-P-E-F-O-R-M, is a platform

[00:29:12.02] that you can use to basically

[00:29:14.05] easily create sort of visual
and interactive forms.

[00:29:18.08] There’s other ones that are called,

[00:29:21.02] one of them’s called Lead Quizzes.

[00:29:23.06] One of them’s called Leadformlly,

[00:29:26.04] like leadform

[00:29:30.02] Very low tech required,

[00:29:32.04] integrates with analytics seamlessly,

[00:29:34.02] integrates with most backend CRMs

[00:29:36.05] and marketing automation platforms.

[00:29:42.05] And the like, and I think
there’s several others

[00:29:46.03] like that too, but I got
about 15 seconds left.

[00:29:50.02] So I’m gonna wrap it up here,

[00:29:51.08] but I hope that you guys enjoyed this.

[00:29:53.03] I hope that it was worth
the extra 30 minutes

[00:29:56.07] before you get a cocktail.

[00:29:58.07] Let’s all go have a cocktail
and we can talk if you like.

Chris Mechanic

Chris MechanicCEO & Co-Founder

Video Info:
Creative + UX

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